Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"Next is endurance," He spoke. I opened my eyes a crack and saw his black mask staring down at me. I shut my eyes again and sighed. 

The rest of the day was probably the most difficult training he'd ever put me through. I ran several miles through various bushes, thickets, and grasses. He forced me to climb that same mountainous tree again a little later in the day. After that we moved onto combative training, where I used trees as targets with a gun and then practiced lightsaber dueling in the wilderness. I had to focus on using the objects around me as defense. 

The sun began to fall in the sky. When the sky was noticeably dimmer and the shadows had elongated, Kylo Ren called it quits. 

"I know you're profusely sweating and in need of bathing. There's a stream over here where you can bathe." He began to walk and my legs, which felt like gelatinous substance, wobbled along after him. 

We reached a small opening where a crystal-clear, shallow, pebble-bottomed stream ran through. It sounded of water gently running and bubbles being popped. It was dim out, but not dark, and the stream seemed almost fluorescent. 

I glanced away from the gorgeous brook up to my (gorgeous) masked mentor. I was waiting for him to give me some kind of signal. He nodded. I took off my belt and gently tossed it aside. I began to take off my boots, remembered he was there, and hesitated. 

"Are you going to leave?" I asked tentatively, not looking up to see his mask or his reaction. 

I knew what his answer would be before it left his mask.

"I don't want you under no surveillance." He simply replied. I swallowed. "Can you-" My voice cracked. I coughed, and continued, "Can you please not watch?"

"I won't." He promised solemnly.

I undid my boots, completely suspicious that he would watch me but halfway not caring anymore.

Last night was an interesting experience for me. I was seriously contemplating kissing him, as he requested, when he began to pull me in . . . But something had stopped me. Some alarm went off in my head, and I began to push him away, and he grabbed me by the neck and threw me down. That's when I lost a lot of trust and respect for Kylo Ren.

My feelings and throat were both damaged immediately after he man-handled me. The way he greedily looked at my body on the bed tempted me to do unspeakable things with him, but I didn't. And I am so, so glad. When he kissed me I felt something deep down, something warm and tingly, something good, but then the thought of him handling me by the neck popped up into my head and I felt even more confused than before.

I couldn't help the crying. I was a mental wreck and him kissing me didn't help.

I hated how I didn't know how I felt about him. Obviously some emotions more than mentor-student were there, something more relationship material, but there was also my lingering hatred for him. I just wished I knew exactly how I felt, or wanted to feel. I wanted the decision on whether I hated him or was attracted to him to be made already so I could continue down whatever path I would end up choosing.

Anyways, the creek.

I stood up, barefoot and belt-less, trying to summon the courage to take off the rest of my clothing so I could adequately bathe. I was beginning to get cold from the drying sweat that coated all of my skin. The only thing that held me back was the prospect of him observing me in perverse ways.

I closed my eyes gently and took a long, serene breath. I stood up tall and began to lift my shirt up. And then removed my pants. I left on my undergarments for my own dignity and self-respect.

Kidnapped by Kylo Ren (Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now