A secret activity(?)

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I love downhill,what can i do....

Remember the bicycle shorts?
So,it has a long part of it.
Let me explain,before,you used to love and got obsessed by Downhill. Because this was your wind to catch. This was everything. So you did take long rides in the forests for this. But soon,when you were away from your home city...you stopped it.

But as soon as you came back,you only did two things: downhill in the deep forest or work on projects.

No wonder why the Matsuno brothers thought of your usually disappearing.
You asked the parents not to tell them.
But you forgot one member....

The brothers exclaimed.
"What did you mean like she is gone to the forest?!" Said Osomatsu.
"The deep forest?!" Added Choromatsu.
Totoko nod as she lean on the main door.
"..I never thought that ____ could actually be that of a romantic.{Romantic person is a person who actually likes being alone and is depressed. Not a real Romance and stuff. Romance and Romantic are different.} " said Todomatsu.
"She doesn't look that depressed!!" Replied Choromatsu.
"But how could you simply let her all alone?" Ichimatsu said.
Totoko shrug.
"Well,she knows the forest for a long time. Plus there are signs. And plus.... I've no more to add." She replied.

Several days later.
They all went to "picnic" out the deep forest.
Luckily,it had big and open dirt paths without any transport.
It was.. Really nice and calm.
Osomatsu stretched out while taking a path down the hill.
"Uuuuuuhgh,I now understand how _____ feel like when she walks around the forest..." He said.
"Its so calm...." Said Ichimatsu.
"And beautiful." Added Todomatsu.
Jyushimatsu was just flying somewhere in the background.
Then he pointed at the dirt path.
"The path has fresh prints!" He said.
Choromatsu kneeled on his knees and looked at the ground.
"Wonder how did you know that.... There is literally nothing on it..." Choromatsu said.
Ugh,if only they knew...

Your bike passed by about 30 minutes ago.
And you loved this hill.
It had the curves you would only pray for.
Sorry,I am just imagining myself...nghhhhhhhh

And yet...
"Don't get too far." Said Osomatsu.
"But we are literally going on path down this hill." Said Choromatsu irritatedly.
"Heh,who knows,you may go to the left..or right..." Osomatsu replied.
Well,that was a stupid reply,like,who would actually turn into thick bushes.

Jyushimatsu stopped.... He froze...
Karamatsu looked back at him.
"Heh,what is-"
"Do you hear that?" Jyushimatsu said turning around to them.
"Eh?" They all said.
"Hear what?" Todomatsu said.
There was a noise...of..rubber? Rubber rubbing against the ground?
It was becoming louder and louder...wonder what would it be....

A man on a bicycle passed them tossing their bodies to the bushes.
Damn,he was on high speed.
They were about to stand. Almost went back on the pathway...
As another person almost crushed into Karamatsu.
Two bicycle riders?!
The other person lost control as he looked back at them.
He threw himself from the bicycle to the bush and the bicycle landed safely behind him.
The person stood up from the bushes.
His shin was bleeding but luckily,it was a small scratch.
The brothers stood up in defence.

They realized that the man has actually bobs.
They actually blush after that.
The SHE took off the helmet and it revealed that it was actually YOU.
"Eh?!" They all exclaimed together.
"_____-Chan?!" Said Osomatsu.


You looked at them with an irritated smile.
"Yes,me,and you are the one to use the Downhill path,idiots." You said.
"Downhi-waaaaaa?~" said Jyushimatsu.
You sigh.
"Downhill of course." You said again.
"Oh! I know!" Said Todomatsu as he browsed it in the phone." Its when you go full speed down the hill on a bicycle."
You nod.
"B-but this is dangerous! And what about your shin?! It is bleeding?!" Said Choromatsu with a worried tone.
"No,its just a small scratch." You said.
"...heh...girl that doesn't feel pain.." Karamatsu leaned on the tree but he missed it so he fell down the small gap.
Nobody cares.

You took them to the training hill AKA small hill.
You all sat under the tree.
"_____-Chan,who was the other person to ride the bicycle back then?" Asked Todomatsu.
"Oh,it was Ian. We kinda met on that hill top so we decided to race." You said.
Sorry not sorry.
Jyushimatsu ran towards you and flapped his sleeves.
"______-Chan,______-Chan!" He said." Show me some tricks."
You glared.
"You really want me to show you? I mean.this is a small hill after all." You said.
"Well,I wont say it is small... It is a size of a three or more story house-" Choromatsu said.
But you ran off and slid down the hill.
You already gathered the full speed and you hit the curves smoothly.
P.S. curves are turns of the path ways.

They all glared.
And ran after you because they realised that you were actually running away from them.

Proceed this yourself.
I should go and cook stuff for my family.
See ya around! ~

Osomatsu-San{Story X One Shots/Humour X Mature}Where stories live. Discover now