"Is there anyone out there this is the U.S.S. Cyclops do you read"?

He called over and over again but all we heard was static. As Jeff spoke I turned to the others to see how they were doing. Everyone waited in hope as Jeff called for help Janet crossed her arms with a worried look on her face. Liz balled her fists up at her side as if she was getting ready for the worse. Sterling watched the door and out the windows with the lug nut wrench in his hand keeping the rear guard and Taco searched for more weapons. It was clear we were alone out here. But there was still this giant ship to explore. Jeff put the radio down and everyone else fell in line. James and I took the front the girls in middle with Jeff and Sterling in the back. Taco walked with the girls and we proceeded down the hall. There where windows in every door with light switches next to them. We turned them on and looked through the glass only to find more control rooms. We eventually reached the steps with another hall way extending down further with more out lets. There were three different ways to go left, right, or straight. Without asked I wed forward straight, I figured this is the easiest was not to get lost in case we need to blow this joint. We approached the first door on the right and there was a trial of blood coming from the bottom of the door. I tapped James and pointed to the trial. There wasn't a switch outside the door neither a window to look through. I motioned to everyone else to move back. James removed one of the flash lights from his pockets turned it on and held it under his gun. He moved to about one foot away from the door knob rested on one knee. With his face fixed on the door his eyes looked at me then the door knob without ever turning his neck. I reached for the door and pulled it open. He sprung off to the darkness as I followed. Nothing but a sleeping quarters. I stuck my thumbs up out the door and everyone let out a deep breath. We turned the light on and there was blood al on the floor. We quickly came out the room and continued to the other rooms. More sleeping quarters a kitchen and bathroom and showers. After that an engine room and storage area. We walked back down the hall and made a left down another path. There was a freezer door and two others only. We opened the freezer door and there it was.
" This can't be right "
Everyone else came forward wondering what I talking about and then they saw it too. Not only was there food but it was the same exact set up, storage pattern and brand food we found at the house we started in. I turned around walked to the other door opened it and there was the liquor and water. In the other was the snacks and goodies. This is just not my day. It's obvious the military solider where put in the same scenario as us.

"We have to see what's down the last hall way if there are survivor's then that's where they will be" said Taco.

"The only problem with that is the trial of blood from the first door leads that way. I intentionally didn't go that way for a reason." I said to everyone.

"I'm hungry and I want to sleep let's get this over with quick so I get both done " said Liz with anger in her voice.
Good her anger will prove to be useful if we run me to danger.
"Let's go "said Jeff.
We moved down the hall and came to the three original paths we walked straight across and followed the blood sainted path. It was a long hall with only one door at the end. I walked quickly to the door and put my ear to the metal trying to see if any movement was inside. Once I heard nothing I shook my head no to James. I signaled for him to open the door. He reached out pulled the door open and there was cages full of weapons I took a step closer and then I saw them. Young strong U.S Military soldiers dead. All from gunshot wounds. I quickly noticed one of the cages where open so I passed my gun back. Grabbed the remaining two and passed another.
"Looks like we found the crew and they're all dead. All of them just like Thomas was killed." I said.
There where gun shots in the wall behind them as well and I noticed one soldier had a pen in his hand master Sgt. Josh was his name and rank. I could see a small leather book poking out of his pocket I waked a little closer grabbed it and walked out.

"Well looks like we searched this part well enough to sleep. Let's grab some of those file cabinets and stack them against the door "I said looking at the men.
"This way if the door is opened the cabinets would fall giving us the alarm we need to get ready for anyone trying to cause us harm".
When we were done it seemed as though we fill half the cock pit up with random items. For sure no one would get through that without us knowing. We all walked to the freezer grabbed some well-deserved food, cooked, ate, washed and got ready for bed. We all gathered covers and pillows from the rooms and slept in the hall where we would all be together. Jeff and Sterling held guns at the rear. James and I held guns at the head. Liz and taco slept in the middle and Janet pulled up beside me. She didn't have to say it but there was a slight connection between us. Either that or she felt safest with me, which didn't bother me either way it just felt good. Sleeping came a little easier this night with the security of the place. It didn't take long before everyone was sleep I turned to get into a better position to keep watch in and I noticed this uncomfortable lump in my pocket. Oh yeah the book I removed it opened the first page and it read" to whomever finds and reads this book this master Sgt. Josh Hamilton recording the events that happened in the fog from 4/27/2015 until the said date of 12/23/2015." Oh shit!!!

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