[88]: Quality Time With Family & Friends!

Start from the beginning

"So what happened after that? Because Elliot dropped me off at my house...oh my god. Marcus got out of the car as well and said he'd walk home, leave me and Elliot to have some time together." Georgia says and Lois sighs.

"Yeah, well I don't live that far from you do I. So Marcus walked over to mine after you got dropped off. I'd mentioned to him earlier that I was home alone so when there was a knock on the door I was a little scared to open it. Then Marcus shouted through the letter box that it was only him." she says grabbing her pillow and clutching it to her chest.

"Then what happened?"

"I opened the door for him and we were pulling each other's clothes off before the door slammed shut."

"Oh wow." Ayla whispers.

"I've never felt that passion towards someone before...that urge to have them that very second or you'd explode from frustration."

"It's a good feeling isn't it?" I grin at her and she nods.

"So what happened...besides the obvious." Georgia grins.

"Well we made it to the sofa for the first round..." she says blushing.

"There was more than one round on Friday night?" I ask and she nods.

"Oh yeah. When we were finished, I was hungry so we made pizza. Which lead to round two happening on kitchen table."

"Sex does make you hungry." Ayla states and we nod in agreement.

"Then what happened?" Georgia asks

"We cleaned up...and then made our way to my room. We got into bed and just talked...for hours. About everything and anything...I've never laughed so much with a guy in my life...and then he said I did the nose scrunch thing again and so that began round three."

"Jesus...that boy's got stamina." Ayla chuckles and Lois nods whilst biting down on her lip grinning like mad.

"Then we fell asleep...woke up yesterday spooning and had round four. Then five happened in the shower after we had breakfast."

"Holy shit. Five times?" I gasp and she nods.

"I'm so sore today guys but it was so worth it." she says grinning.

"So I take it you like Marcus then?" Georgia asks nudging her leg and she nods.

"I guess I do. I never saw it coming either...we've just been friends for the past couple of months. And then on Friday night everything changed between us."

"So what's going to happen between you two now?" I Ayla asks

"I'm not sure but he's asked me to meet him later this afternoon at Costa for drinks."

"What time...we don't want you to be late for your date." I say grinning at her.

"Not till half three...I've still got time. I told him I was seeing you girls today and you's came first."

"Okay...so to recap all this." Ayla says waving her arms around. "You're now dating?"

"I don't know. I hope something comes from this...I actually got butterflies when he messaged me last night."

"And you never get butterflies." I grin at her and she shakes her head.

"That's a good sign...plus you've got the foundation of friendship first so that's a bonus. And you know he can make you laugh...which is so important." Georgia says

"Anyway...that was my gossip. I'm so glad I've gotten that off my chest." She sighs.

"I'm so happy for you Lo...you deserve to have someone see how special you are." Ayla says wrapping her arm over her shoulder and pull her into a hug.

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