Empty threats may not be so empty..

Start from the beginning

I stayed quiet.

" Very well. I will help you then." He said.

I smiled. " Thank you so much! Professor, really!" 

He smiled." You may go."

I nodded and walked back to my common room.


I woke up the next morning by a sharp knocking noise. Sleepily i looked up to see a midnight black owl knocking on the window above me. I gasped, this was Father's owl.. I quickly got up and opened the window. The owl soared in, dropped the letter on top of my bed and flew right back out.

Hesitantly I picked up the letter, It was surprisingly light. Hands shaking, I opened it -


You are leaving Hogwarts. Tonight at Midnight, Bella will be waiting for you outside the castle doors. If you do not show up, I will personally come to Hogwarts, and kill everyone and anyone who even tries to stop me. Including the blood traitor you have befriended. 

I wanted to cry, I wanted to curl up into a ball and let out all my tears, but I knew if I did, It wouldn't do anything - or help anyone. I looked around to see everyone was still sleeping, so quietly I dressed and went down into the common room. 

I sat down on an armchair near the fire and reread the letter. I had two options: 1. Leave Hogwarts and go home to Father, who would surely punish me or 2. Let him try to break into Hogwarts. I sighed, I wonder how he knew I was friends with Sirius.. if that was the "blood traitor" he was talking about.. And then it struck me.

There was no way he could possibly come and break into Hogwarts. The whole Ministry was looking for him, and Hogwarts was protected so well. It was an empty threat. He wouldn't dare try anything. I started insanely giggling. 

" Victoria, you okay?" A voice asked. I turned around to see Sirius standing there, with a very sleepy James Potter. I laughed.

" I'm perfectly fine." I said, smiling.

He smiled at me, that adorable smile..

" Alright, care to go breakfast with us?" He asked.

I nodded and grabbed my bag. I saw a kid with a  mousy looking face standing nervously in the corner. I turned towards to James and Sirius. "Guys look he's all alone, lets invite him to come with us." 

"Why?" James said.

I rolled my eyes. " Because, that's what being nice is called." 

Sirius was looking at me like I was crazy, but before he could say anything, I walked over to the kid. " Hi, I'm Victoria." He looked startled by my presence.

" Peter." he squeaked.

I smiled." Peter, do you wanna come with us to breakfast?" 

He nodded vigorously. 

" Okay come on." i said walking back to James and Sirius, who were glaring at the small kid. " James, Sirius!"  They stopped glaring and we made our way down to the Great Hall.

I sat down next to a kid who had several books in his hand. When I sat down, he looked shocked.

" Hi." I said. 

" Hello" he said nodding. 

I started talking to Sirius and James again about classes, while putting a cup of cereal in front of me. As i was about to start eating, someone pushed my head, rather hard and forcefully into the cereal, i felt milk go into eyes. And my spoon stabbed my head. I was choking the person wouldn't let my head back up again. I heard a faint thump and I pulled my head out of the cereal choking and spluttering milk everywhere. 

I coughed to look who had saved me, James and Sirius had both punched that kid from the train at the same time. The kid who had tried to kill me..

I coughed some more, as Dumbledore came running over, the kid stood up and whispered something in my ear - " This was the Dark Lord's warning." My eyes widened in horror , as Dumbledore had finally arrived. 

He took the site of me in, hair and face drenched in milk , choking and a big red bump where the spoon had stabbed me, and James and Sirius standing in front of me, protectively. 

"Mr. Crabbe, what is the meaning of this?" Dumbledore said angrily, his voice was scary when he was angry. 

" I'm sorry, Professor." Crabbe said. 

Sirius and James were glaring at Crabbe, daring him to touch me. 

" Detention every Saturday for the next three months, and 100 points from Slytherin." Dumbledore said to Crabbe. He nodded, and walked towards to the Slytherin table, smirking.

Dumbeldore waved his wand at me, and i felt my hair being fixed, and my face being cleaned from the milk. I rubbed the spot where the spoon stabbed me. 

" Are you okay, Mrs. Riddle? Do you need to go to the Hospital Wing?" He asked kindly.

" No thank you, I'm fine." 

 " Very well, Mr. Potter, Mr.Black that was a very nice punch." 

They burst out laughing. I smiled feebly, still horrified from the Crabbe's warning. Dumbledore went back up to the staff table. 

" Bloody git." I murmured, throwing a dark look at Crabbe, who seemed to be laughing. 

" Riddle, why does Crabbe wanna hurt you so bad?" James asked.

" I don't know." i said, lying. 

" Your lying." Sirius countered. 

I blushed." No I'm not - drop it." I said sternly. 

Sirius obviously not wanting to drop it, but not wanting to make me any more madder, stayed quiet. 

After that, the day went fast. Potions with Slughorn was easy,  we had flying lessons; James and Sirius were amazing, with James saying how unfair it was the first years couldn't be on the house Quidditch team. Lunch stayed uneventful, and History of Magic was so boring, it had almost put me to sleep. 

It wasn't until that night, when I was in a deep sleep did something happen. McGongall entered the girls dormitories looking extremely grave as woke everyone up and told us to go to the Great Hall, immediately. I looked at the clock it was 12:30...

I walked into the common room, looking for Sirius and James. I found them by the door, waiting for me. They each grabbed one of my arms and we walked down into the Great Hall, to see everyone was there. All the houses and teachers. Dumbledore was standing in front of the staff table waiting for everyone. 

As McGongall entered, she shut the doors behind her and nodded to Dumbledore.

He cleared his voice and spoke, " As we speak, there are Dark Forces trying to penetrate the enchantments around the castle, with them is Lord Voldermort." He said.

I heard people gasp, and grab people near them. I heard a loud boom and turned around to see bright red eyes staring right at me from the entrance way.

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