A kid named Remus

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"Victoriaaa! Viccccccc! Will you please get up!?" A girl's voice yelled.

"Noo" I mumbled into my pillow. Last night, James, Sirus and I had ran around the castle placing dungbombs in random classroom, Filch's office and just all around the dungeons. 

"Victoria! Please! James and Sirius wont leave me alone till I wake you up!" The girl's voice whined again, this time I recognized the voice as Lily's.

"Lily! I'm tired!" I whined.

"Please Victoria! I really wanna go eat breakfast, but those stupid hooligans you call friends, wont let me!" Lily said.

I laughed, "Alright, alright, can you go tell those hooligans that I'm coming?" 

Lily beamed, "Yup!" With that she dashed out of the room, towards the stairs.

Grudgingly I got up and moved to the side of the dormitories with the showers. Quickly showering, ad putting on some light blue skinny jeans, black uggs, and a long sleeved purple shirt, I put my curly blonde hair up in a bun and grabbed my bag. It was Sunday, and I hadn't started any of my homework. 

Sighing softly, I walked down the stairs to see James and Sirius roaring with laughter, as they sat on the couch in front of the fire. 

Quietly walking up behind them, I put my hands around Sirus's eyes. 

"Victoriaaa! It only took you forever!" Sirius complained dramatically.

Laughing, i removed my hands and said," It took me fifteen minutes, Sirius!"

"Exactly." He said, rolling his eyes, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I laughed again, "Alright can we please go get some food? I haven't eaten in a trillion days!" I complained.

They both laughed and nodded.


"Please! Victoria! I wont copy! I just need to look at it and write what you did!" Sirius complained loudly.

We were sitting on the sofa in our dormitory, doing homework. Well I was doing my homework, while Sirius and James sat on their lazy butts and begged to copy my homework. 

"That is copying, Sirius!" I said loudly. 

"Victoria. I will be your best friend if you just let me read it!" James said, widening his eyes and smiling.

I groaned. "Ugh! Fine!" I said in annoyance as i handed them the parchment. Both of them widely grinned and I couldn't help but smile back. 

I felt someone tap my shoulder, I turned around to see a boy with a very pale face and light brown hair. 

"Hi, uh, my name Remus. I didn't really get the potions essay.. so I was wondering if you could help me?"

I smiled. "Sure." I said reaching over to grab my homework before I realized I had just given it to James, who wasnt "copying."

I laughed, "I would, but James has it.."

James quickly looked up, "Yeah kid, so wait your turn." 

I grinned, "Your welcome to join us, if you'd like."

He smiled happily, but shly, "Okay."

"I'm Victoria, That's James and that's Sirius."

He nodded at all of them. 

Sirius suddenly sat up. " I have an idea! Let's go steal some food from the kitchens!"

I smiled, "Yes! The house elves love us anyways."

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