Chapter 2: Reality Can Be Twisted.

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My mind transported me back to my bed. I slowly drew back the curtains that covered my eyes. I rubbed my eyes, trying to clear my vision.

Drowsily, I looked over at the clock yet again. 7:44 AM. I guessed I wasn't that tired after all.

Climbing out of bed proved to be difficult as I sluggishly slung my legs over the edge and stood. My vision became blurred and dizzy the moment I stood up. I must have gotten up too soon. It soon cleared again as I started trudging down the steps into the kitchen. As soon as I entered, I gasped.


He turned, a surprised look on his face. It quickly turned blank. "Hello Kasey." He took a step towards me, raising his arms. I was shocked to see him, but I moved towards him as well, my arms raised to embrace.

A painful sting met my cheek, sending me screaming and stumbling onto the floor. My hand raised to my face, causing it to sting even more. "What the hell- Dad?!" He just stared at me with hazed eyes, no emotion or regret in his expression.

My words brought another agonizingly painful blow, this time to my nose. Tears sprang from my eyes as the blood flowed from my nose. "Dad...stop..." I managed to choke out through my sobs.


<I> Crash. </I>


<I> Shatter. </I>


The empty look in his eyes was long gone, now replaced by the gaze of an angry madman. Objects were thrown at me and at the wall, a blanket of glass and other broken articles covering the floor.

My body shook violently as I watched my Dad in horror. He stumbled over to the counter and began shuffling through the cabinets and drawers. He suddenly stopped, grinning crazily at the object he held in his hand.

My eyes went wide, and I felt my shaking grow stronger.

<I> He had a knife. </I>

I became desperate. I moved back more and more, all the while pleading with him to stop. His expression never showed a flash of regret, only a sickening smile. I felt my back hit solid wall. He had me cornered now. He stepped closer and closer still, the same grin plastered on his face, as if it was a mask he could never take off.

My arms flailed, trying desperately to find something to defend myself with. There was nothing of use, as the broken items scattered on the floor were just out of reach. My heart raced. <I> Why can't this just be over with?! </I> I tried to scream, but I couldn't. Choked sobs were the only things I had left. "Dad..why..?"


With that, he plunged the knife into my chest, and everything faded into a cold and empty blackness.

<B> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ooooh, what will happen? ;) Sorry for that. Anyways, yes, I will definitely keep this story as a priority, mainly because I have nothing to do every day. :/ Also, PLEASE let me know what you think of it so far, I'd really love some feedback. Alright? Okay. Yay! See you in the next chapter! :D </B>

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