Chapter Nine

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Okay so I had this entire thing nearly finished and none of it saved, so that's great. Also sorry for not updating since January oops.

Percy's POV

        When I woke up, I was sore. Slowly, whatever had happened with Daniel was coming back to me. He came into the tower, and then Cat and I jumped off the roof. Wait, what? I remember hitting something hard, and a whisper of you're safe or something like that. Am I dead?

        I began to take in my surroundings. I was laying on a fuzzy rug of some sort, and near me was a crackling fireplace. The whole room looked like something out of a weird vampire movie. There were velvet curtains, elaborate tapestries, and candlelit chandeliers. 

        "Hello, Percy," a voice said, making me jump. Cat sat in a velvet armchair by the fire. I was surprised I didn't notice her, but my carpet doesn't have a good view. 

        I sat up, and was happy that it didn't hurt that bad. There was a slight discomfort, but that was it. "Hey, Cat. Why are we in a vampire mansion?" I asked her. 

        "It's not a vampire mansion, and it's not even a mansion. All there is is this room," she told me, frowning a little. 

        I raised my eyebrow. "Yeah," I began, "I'm sure this isn't a vampire mansion. That would be stupid, of course. I get it. We can just ignore the signs that clearly points out a vampire-"

        "It is not a vampire mansion, Percy. It's obviously Victorian," Cat interrupted.

        That seemed like a lie, but okay. "Got it, but what's that about this being the only room? There are doors," I stated, gesturing to the elegantly carved double doors at the far wall. 

        "If you open them, bad things happen, I guess. Look, I've never ventured further than this room, and you better not try. I can read thoughts, remember?" Cat told me.

        Why on earth would we be in a room with doors if the doors don't lead anywhere?

        Because we are in my mind, obviously. I don't need a whole mansion, and I don't want to create one. With my powers, I can draw people to my mind, and make my mind more, what's the word, furnished, than others.

        "Cool, but are we dead?" I asked.

        No. I can only do my mind things with people who are living. Our bodies are currently in the tower, where the Avengers think we passed out because of Daniel. I'll release your mind in a few minutes, but I need to tell you something. I feel like it would be easier if it I told you first, and if I didn't have to say it out loud until I see how someone reacts, so that's why I'm speaking in your head.

        "Okay. Tell me anything", I told Cat.

        First things first, my name isn't Cat, or Catarina.

        "Really? You kinda look like a Cat. Why did you tell everyone you're Cat if it's not your name?"

        When Fury found me, he asked for my name. I panicked, and the first thing that came to mind was the word cat. After I told him my real name was Catarina, and Cat was just a nickname. I didn't want anyone to know who I am, so that's why I panicked. He asked for my last name, and I just told him I didn't have one.

        I looked at her, confused. "Didn't Fury say your last name was Doe?" I asked.

        Yes, he did do that. He needed to add me into the database or something like that. Fury said that people who's identity is unknown are called John Doe, and I think he said Jane Doe for girls. I was kind of in shock, so this part's a little fuzzy. 

        "Can I know your real name? If you don't want me to know it is fine."

        Yeah, I figured you'd say that. Before I tell you my name, you need to know a few things about me.

        I nodded.

        I don't really have black hair or purple eyes. That's probably the biggest thing. Also, I'm your age, believe it or not.

        "You don't look seven," I told her. 

        Yes, I know. Just wait for me to explain. Using my powers, I altered everyone's view of me. People saw me as a preteen with medium length black hair, violet eyes, and pale skin. About a week ago, that seemed like a great idea. But now, I don't want people to think I'm someone I'm not. 

        "So, who are you?" I asked.

        When you wake up, I'll show you who I look like. But I can tell you my name now.

        Not-Cat seemed to be deep in thought. I felt kinda bad interrupting her, but only kinda. "So," I started, "what's your name?"

        She looked at me. I expected her to speak in my head, but I was surprised when I heard her speak out loud.

        "Annabeth," was all she said. 

/Annabeth and Percy are both so dramatic in revealing their names, oops. I'll try to update again but we both know that might not happen anytime soon. Sorry it's so short. Also sorry for any mistakes. I didn't really have time to really read it through/

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2016 ⏰

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