Chapter Five

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You know how when someone is nervous or embarrassed, their hands or shoes become the most interesting things in the world? I'm just noticing now that my hands are very soft. There are few cuts on them, and lots of scars. They are not from Gabe, however. When I was little, I touched everything. From boiling pots on the stove, to knives, to even this one squirrel in Central Park. Thanks to the squirrel, I have a long, white line going from the mid-section of my thumb to my wrist.
"Percy, if you don't mind me asking, where did you get that scar from?" Clint inquired. He was sitting next to me in the car. Natasha was in the front, grumbling about how she didn't trust Clint to drive the new and very expensive car.
Despite my situations, I laughed. It was quite a funny story to look back at. "Well, Mr. Clint, whether you choose to believe it or not, I got this from a squirrel," I grinned, holding up my hand. "I was walking in Central Park with my mom, when suddenly I had this weird urge to go pick up one of the squirrels running around. Despite my mom's no, I ran to a squirrel and tried to pick it up. Unluckily for the both of us, I succeeded. It clawed me and looked at me with its little demonic eyes as if to say , 'ha, you loser. I win this round'. I cried a lot. But all things considered I find it a hilarious story." I gave Clint a lopsided smile.
He raised his eyebrows at me and said, "How old were you when your terrorization of squirrels began?" It looked like he was trying not to laugh. I guess spies need to keep a face that says 'I can kill you with my bare hands in about seven different ways'.
"It all started when I was four," I replied, and burst out laughing. Clint was also laughing, and to my disbelief Natasha was too.
"All right," Natasha clapped , "Time to meet the rest of the Avengers."
I looked around and saw that we were parked outside of a tall building. Clint and Natasha climbed out and motioned for me to do the same. One of the first things I noticed were all of the people. I haven't been around this many people in a few years. Immediately i felt uncomfortable. My hand found its way into Clint's and I held on tight. He squeezed my hand and led me into the building.
As we climbed into the elevator, Natasha spoke to me, "Percy, at first the other Avengers may seem a little, odd. But don't worry. We will explain everything about them."
I nodded. What type of weird people were on this team? I shuffled closer to Clint. Did I really want to meet these people. There was a loud ding that made me jump and the large doors of the elevator opened. I shuffled even closer to Clint. My brain has decided that I did not want to meet these people. Three people a day were quite enough for me.
Clint let out a small chuckle. "Don't worry, Percy," he assured me as he picked me up. "The Avengers are super nice. They'll really like you."
It felt like ages ago when Clint had picked me up from the floor of Gabe's basement. I couldn't believe that it had only been a couple of hours. Just as I had a few hours ago, I held onto Clint like I was drowning.
"Percy, everything will be alright," Natasha grinned at me, "If not, I'll buy you whatever you want, within reason."
I laughed. No one had offered me a present in a few months. Gabe had, but then he punched me in the face. I hated that present.
"Jarvis," Natasha spoke to a hidden person, "Please tell the team to meet us in the living room. And that we have the person we wanted them to meet."
'Jarvis' spoke back, "Of course, Miss."
I let out a small "Whoa". Was there an invisible butler? "That is Jarvis, the tower's artificial intelligence system," Clint laughed, tightening his grip on me.
I couldn't see in front of me, but I did see that we passed through an open doorway. A small chorus of 'hi' and 'hello' rang out. I wondered how many people there were, however I did not want to let go of Clint.
"Is this the young boy you told us about?" A voice asked. He sounded nice, and also sort of like a leader. Is that possible? I guess so.
Clint started to put me down. "No," I panicked, and hung on tighter.
He laughed. "Percy," he said, "Don't you want to meet the team?"
"Do you want an honest opinion?" My muffled voice demanded from Clint's shoulder.
"No. I don't want to." I stated simply.
Clint turned his back to the Avengers, so now I was facing them. "Okay, well this is Percy. Percy say hello," Clint instructed.
"Hello," I said.
Natasha began introducing people, "This is Steve Rogers, or Captain America." Steve had blondish hair and was smiling at me. I did a small smile back. Natasha made a gesture with her hands as if to say, 'go on, continue and introduce your own selves.'
A man with dark hair spoke first, "Hello. I'm Tony Stark, or Iron Man." He seemed to have a mischievous glint in his eyes. I decided I should watch my step around him, but besides his prankster-like looks, all was well with him.
"I'm Bruce Banner, or the Hulk to some people," a man with dark brown hair and an old sweater. He seemed trustworthy enough.
A tall man with long blond hair spoke last. "Hello, young one. I am Thor, also know as Thor," he said loudly.
I laughed at his words. Then spoke a quiet hello, "Hi. I'm Percy Jackson, also know as Percy Jackson"
Natasha began to explain my situation. Fury wanted me to stay with the Avengers for protection. They seemed shocked by everything that had happened to me, but even more shocked that I had managed to get Clint, Natasha, and even Fury to like. What can I say, I'm a joy to be around.
After the story, Clint spoke to me, "Percy, you haven't eaten all day. As it is my job of take care of you, I will not let you starve. What do you want to eat?"
There was only one thing I wanted. "Can I have Pizza?" I asked.
"Of course. The team loves pizza. I think we are the single reason that one place down the street is still open," he replied, then spoke to Tony. "Tony, can you order some pizza? I'm going to show Percy his room.
Tony nodded and began ordering. Clint carried me back to the elevator, explaining how since the building is so tall, they used an elevator. I understood. I mean come on, who wants to climb sixty flights of stairs? Certainly not me.
Clint showed me my room. It was really big. In the middle was a big, fluffy bed. I haven't slept on a proper bed in a year. The walls were a weird light brown color, the covers on the bed was simply a white duvet, there were even drawers for all the clothes I didn't have.
"We can paint your walls to a color you like, pick out a nice cover for your duvet, and buy you some new clothes. Until then, I hope this is okay," Clint said to me.
I looked at him in disbelief. "This is amazing! Do I really get to sleep on that bed?" I asked.
He nodded. And just as he opened his mouth to speak, Jarvis interrupted him.
"The team would like to inform you that the pizza has arrived," his voice rang out. That butler was totally cool.
A grin found itself on to my face. Clint shifted my position on his back, so now he was giving me a piggy back ride.
"Let's go get some pizza!" I screamed, laughing along with Clint. Things actually seemed to be looking up.

/ok so I'm really sorry that this has taken so long, and that it's really short. Chapters will be longer because now I have a laptop to write on, opposed to the iPad that I am writing on now./

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