Chapter Seven

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Hi guys! I just wanted to say thank you so much for all of the attention this story's been getting. Here's the chapter.

Natasha's POV

Cat walked with a grace that was inhumanly. She walked with no sound while I could hear the slapping of my boots on the ground as I walked. It was odd, considering I've been known to sneak up on pretty much everyone. Her long strides matched mine, and sometimes I had to quicken my legs to keep up, and I was the one showing her where to go. Honestly, it was almost like, pardon my pun, Cat was a cat.

"How many people actually live in this building? There seems to be hundreds of rooms," she asked, a look that sometimes Tony got when he couldn't understand a sort of technology forming on her face.

"It can house tons of people, I don't know the exact amount. But the people living here are really just the Avengers, you, and Percy. Although sometimes we have the occasional stray SHIELD agent or superhero," I replied.

Cat nodded. "Here's your room," I told her, swinging open the door.

"Whoa," Cat started. "Why is it so big? Is it mine"

I laughed. Cat reminded me a little of Percy. Asking tons of questions at a time. "You'll have to ask Tony why it's so big, and yeah, its all yours."

"Cool," Cat breathed out, a smile flying to her mouth.

That made me smile. "Cat, how old are you?"

She showed no signs of not wanting to answer the question, so I hoped she was okay with me questioning her. "I'm eleven, almost twelve. Although I look a lot younger," she laughed. "It can be super annoying. Tons of people think I'm some really little kid and treat me like one."

I laughed, Cat seemed to be a natural with people. "I understand. When I was younger, everyone thought that I was years younger than how old I actually was," I told her. I don't know why I was telling her this, but it felt good to talk to someone about my past life, and not the bad parts, the good parts that are fun to look back on.

Cat moved to sit on the bed, and picked something up. It was a black backpack, lined with sewed on patches of tons of things on it. She hugged it to her chest and smiled. "This is my backpack. I've had it since I was seven. Someone at my orphanage gave it to me, and someone else had a sewing machine. I would sneak into their room and sew on things that I found. I would even sew on pieces of clothes that I grew out of," she said it so happily, how her backpack was made.

I figured that Fury brought it up here, who else would have? I sat across from her on the bed. Looking closer at the bag I noticed that it had knitted patches, patches of what looked like plastic toys that you got in children's cereal boxes, and squares of soft fabric like a blanket. "Wow, Cat. That's really cool. We ought to have a sewing machine around here somewhere, and we can get you patches if you want to add more," I said with a smile.

She nodded. "I would like that." From inside the bag she pulled out a stuffed animal. "This is Hippo," she indicated to the worn out animal in her hand. "I've had him for forever. And this," she began, rummaging through her bag. "Is Sally. I don't know why I have it, I know its kinda weird, but it reminds me of my home, even though it was just an orphanage." Sally was a llama, I believe. It wasn't stuffed, maybe made out of plastic, with fur covering it. It was only about the size of my hand. Cat carefully placed Sally on the nightstand.

"I had tons of comfort items, too, when I was younger. I had slippers, a blanket, and a stuffed animal," I began. I was quickly cut off from the rest of the story when Jarvis' voice echoed through the room.

"Madam,  Tony would like me to inform you that there is a need for you to come to the meeting room. He said to take Cat along as well." he told us.

I shared a look with Cat, "I guess we better get going," she shrugged. I nodded and stood up.

What on Earth would be important enough to have the whole team gather in the meeting room? Probably lots of things, knowing Tony, but a deep feeling of dread seeded itself into the pit of my stomach anyway.


Turns out, something definitely was wrong. The whole team was gathered in the small room, including Percy, with somber looks on their faces. 

"There's been an explosion, down on ninth street," Steve began explaining. "There's still a large group of people wrecking more havoc on the street. We believe those are the people who set off the bombs."

I sighed. Was it really necessary for people to do this? I was having an overall good day. "Alright, let's go. Should we take Percy and Cat?"

Tony frowned, "I don't think that would be safe."

"We are supposed to be protecting them. Bringing them into a battlefield can't be good," Bruce added.

"It seems unsafe to leave them unattended,"  Thor considered.

Cat rolled her eyes and huffed. "I'm not some little kid that can't defend themselves," she said.

Percy raised his eyebrows, "I'm a little kid, and I can't defend myself. I don't wanna be alone." He seemed panicked.

Cat seemed to ponder this for a moment. "I can protect you," she nodded, there was something about her voice that made me believe her. Percy nodded, his green eyes going blank. it was almost like she was controlling him. Was she?

"Hey, Cat?" I asked her. She looked up at me.

"I know, I know," she began. "Why are you controlling Percy? How can you even do that? How do you know what I'm thinking as I'm thinking it? Its a mind thing. I can read thoughts and control them. I can't exactly shut off the reading thought, so they're always just kinda there, but I can tune them out. And I've got the control brain thing-y down pat. I don't use it a lot. Only to help calm people down."

We nodded. It made sense. It also made sense because Percy was watching us with a calm face, unlike his panicked one not too long ago.

I clapped my hands together. "I think you'll be okay staying home alone. If you need us," I said, pressing two extra ear pieces into her hand. "This is linked to the whole team. Just press the button and say where you are. Someone will come help. I'll also use them to check on you. I don't think that this will take so long, so maybe every thirty minutes check in, or we'll check in on you."

Cat and Percy nodded. The team walked to the hangar, Cat and Percy walking behind us, going over the safety procedures with Clint one last time. They both waved to us as the plane lifted off, and as we watched them get smaller and smaller, I couldn't get ride of the deep seed of doubt that had planted itself in my stomach.

/Sorry this took so long. I had no motivation to write, but here it is. I'll try to write another one soon./

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