Chapter Six

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AN: I will try to make the chapters longer. If you have any suggestions for my writing, leave it in the comments.

Tony's POV

This Percy kid could be good news. Someone else to prank with? You can sign me up for it. Sure, Clint can be a little prankster himself, but he was a SHIELD spy. SHIELD spies aren't prank masters like me. My thoughts were rudely interrupted by Steve, telling me something I probably don't need to know. My brain caught on mid sentence.

"-I will kick you into next week. Tony are you even listening?"

I rolled my eyes and nodded, "Of course."

"Oh yeah? What did I say?" he inquired.

I, in the least bit, had obviously not been paying attention. "I don't know. You broke another punching bag and if i dont get a new one, you will kick me into next week?" I guessed.

He sighed, "No. I mean sure, I am in need of a new punching bag, but I did not say that."

"What did you say? Did you insult me?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Steve sighed again. What is up with him and angrily letting out air? "I said, 'you better be nice to Percy, or I will kick you into next week.'"

I nodded. I would be nice to Percy, for I needed someone to help me do something to Steve. The elevator ringed, signaling that Clint and Percy had heard our message through Jarvis. A few seconds after the doors opened, a smiling Clint and laughing Percy came scampering into the room. Natasha stood up and plucked Percy from Clint's back. In the light, you could see a deep red gash sitting on Percy's temple, and a black bruise on his right cheek. A web of scars made its way down both of his arms.

"Percy, what type of pizza would you like? We have cheese and pepperoni." Nat said to him.

He spoke what type he wanted right after Natasha spoke. "May I please have pepperoni?" he asked.

Natasha nodded and Clint went to get his food. We all sat down at the table and began to eat. Right before I bit into my slice, Jarvis announced that we had a visitor. I internally groaned. What is up with people and bad timing.

"Alright, Jarvis, who is it?" I asked.

"It seems to be Mr. Fury and a child. Shall I let them in?" he replied.

A child? Percy was already here. Do we really need two kids in the house? "Send them up," I told him.

"Who's the other person?" Percy asked. "Are they like me?"

Natasha nodded, "Most likely. Fury said that he had evidence of another mutant child being sold. He most likely wants us the protect them as we are doing with you."

Percy nodded, a tiny frown forming on his face. "That makes sense," he stated.

Fury stepped into the kitchen and surveyed the scene. He smiled at Percy and said, "Alright. I'd like you to meet Catarina Doe, or Cat as she prefers to be called."

He motioned for the girl to step into the kitchen, and after a moment of no's, she entered. Cat had shoulder length black hair, almost white skin, and eyes that, just like Percy's, seemed to glow. Her's though, were a violent shade of purple. Another thing she seemed to share with Percy were bruises and scars and cuts tracing her arms.

Natasha smiled warmly, this whole spies and smiling thing was starting to get a little creepy, and spoke to Cat, "Hi Cat. My name is Natasha. How about we get you introduced and then we can get you some pizza? Do you like pizza?"

Cat nodded. She was older than Percy, maybe nine or ten years old. We introduced ourselves. When it came Percy's turn he asked her a question. "Hi, I'm Percy," he stepped forward a bit and lowered his voice. "Are you a mutant like me? It's okay if you are. It's okay to be one." He flashed a cheeky grin at her.

Cat laughed. "Yeah, I'm a mutant. Mr. Fury was telling me how it's okay to be one on the way here," she paused and slowly held out a fist. "Mutant buddies?"

Percy's smile grew as he fist bumped Cat back. "Yeah!" He said laughing. Then Natasha guided the two of them to the table. Fury left after talking Clint, most likely about Cat.
Dinner went by without any real problems. The whole time Percy, Cat, and Natasha were talking about something I couldn't hear. 

After a small time of consideration, I turned to Clint and asked him a question. "Who is it exactly we are protecting Percy and Cat from?" The question seemed to catch him off guard, but only for a second. 

"We don't know for sure yet. It could just be a small group of people with an ability to find or create powerful mutants, or it could be something bigger. A worldwide group with amazing technology. We won't know for sure until we can get someone on the inside of the organization," he replied.

The person who spoke after him surprised me, and everyone else in the room. "I think its a huge organization," Cat began. "The person that made me work for them often had visitors from all over the world. I recognized French, Spanish, and of course English. But there were bunches of over languages that I never understood. The people that talked in the languages I understood said things about injecting people with a certain DNA with the serum they created, and making them stronger than the others like them. It wasn't until recently that I discovered that they were talking about mutants, and that I was one of them. I knew that I was different though."

Everyone stared at her in shock. "Do you remember being injected, Cat?" Clint asked, who seemed to recover the fastest. 

She nodded. "It doesn't matter if you haven't really developed your powers yet. Most mutants develop them in middle school, but the ones injected developed in merely a week after receiving the serum. Not only does it make your powers develop sooner, it makes them ten times stronger. It also adds on powers that fit in the category of your original power. You only have to be injected once for it to work. I've been injected a few times, and I know someone who's be injected more times than me."

A small frown worked its way onto Percy's face. "Have I been injected?" he asked Cat.

She nodded. "Most likely," Cat responded. "But don't worry. Nothing bad will happen."

"How about we talk about this in the morning. Cat we'll get you a room and then if you want we can watch some movies. Percy, do you want to go with Clint to pick out a movie?" Natasha questioned.

Percy smiled and vigorously nodded his head. With that Clint scooped Percy up and carried him towards the elevator, Cat and Natasha trailing behind. 

"Meet us in the TV room if you want to watch a movie," Natasha said, and with that the elevator doors closed, leaving the rest of us to think about all that's been said.

/Yay we're finally done. I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating. I'll try to post more soon. /

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