Chapter One

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Chapter 1:
I shivered and pulled the thin blanket closer to my body. Based on my sleep cycle, I'm going to take a guess and say that I've been down here for about twelve days. The basement smelled of every disgusting thing I could ever think of. But it mostly smelled of one thing, Gabe.
Gabe is my step-father, and legal guardian. Let me tell you, he sucks. He's very abusive, not very helpful for a freaking seven year old is is? My names Percy Jackson. My mom died when I was six. My step-father abuses me every day, for reasons completely beyond my control. What a life.
I'm what is called a mutant. However, I am not a regular one. My powers are much more advanced than others like me. The only thing I'm going to tell is this, they involve water. Lots of water. When I was five, my powers surfaced. I was taking a bath, idly playing with a bar of soap and talking to my mother. We were talking about who our favorite comic book characters were. I kept saying that Aquaman was the best, but my mom had a true love for Green Lantern.
"Mommy," I whined, putting on my best sad seal face, "Aquaman has the best powers. Water!"
She smiled at me. The real, genuine one that made me want to smile too. "Green Lantern gets to travel in space, with so many of his friends I must add."
"Oh but mommy, Aquaman can do this," I shut my eyes and concentrated on the water. I imagined it moving an rising up to meet my face.
I heard a loud gasp. Immediately my eyes flew open, but I continued to concentrate on the water. In front of me was a cylinder, made completely out of water. It was suspended into the air. The bar of soap fell into the tub. Now it was my turn to gasp.
"Mama! Mama, look! I'm Aquaman!" I gushed, looking at her.
"My little baby, Percy. You are Aquaman." And she smiled at me. There was no fear in her eyes, or her voice. It was almost as if she were expecting it. "Come on. Let's get you in bed."
I remember that night clearly. It was one of the last nice moments I spent with my dearest mom, for less than a month later she married Gabe.
The basement door opening cut me out of my happy thought of my mom. I closed my eyes and prayed, prayed to every god I knew the name of, that it would not be Gabe. The Fates never seem to be on my side, for my nose was greeted with a smell of vodka and cigarette smoke.
He was drunk. That was way worse than when he was sober. Without the influence of alcohol, Gabe never hurt me too bad. But he was a rough drunk. A really rough drunk. I had no time to defend myself. Gabe threw whatever was in his hands at me. It hit it's target with perfect precision. My face. Before I could stop myself, I cried out. Mostly in pain, mostly because I was tired of being hit with hard objects by my weird drug lord or something step-father.
Gabe liked my scream less than I did. Grabbing me by the shirt, he pulled me up to him. "Punk, what did I say about being a wuss?"
It took most if my will power to stop from gagging at his breath. "Don't do it," I managed to get out.
He smiled on of those smiles that says 'I'm so going to kill you.' I felt his fist connect to my face and hoped that one day this all would be over. I'm not ,picky on how it ends. I get rescued, Gabe dies and I escape, I escape even though Gabe's still alive, I die. All of those choices are great to me.

/That's the story so far. I apologize for all of my spelling errors. Tell me if I made any so I can fix them or something. Honestly, I have no idea how to work this app. Please add tips in the comments\

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