My breaths are short and quick as I struggle to control my erratic heartbeat. I feel tears welling up in my eyes as I stare defiantly at my captor.

"You know I can take whatever I want," Ren murmurs. His voice is gentle, almost soothing. It's terrifying, his ability to switch emotions in a split second.

My thoughts are interrupted when he brings a hand to hover over my head. The discomfort is instant and quickly morphs into a throbbing pain. I feel him sifting through my memories, digging for the information he needs. I see flashes of my past, from years ago to just yesterday, moving in a blur yet still bringing back every emotion. He brings his face within inches of mine and whispers in my ear.

"You're so lonely, so afraid to leave." I whimper and gasp for breath as he digs deeper. I try to resist him but I'm too weak. "At night, desperate to imagine an ocean. I see it. I see the island." He sounds almost bored. "And Han Solo. You feel like he's the father you never had. He would've disappointed you," he says casually, as if speaking from experience.

"Get out of my head," I growl through gritted teeth. Rage replaces fear. Adrenaline and something else course through me, and I feel my strength returning.

Ren takes a step back and the pain dissipates, but his presence still remains in my mind. "I know you've seen the map. It's in there. And now you will give it to me." The pain increases once more and I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from crying out. "Don't be afraid, I feel it too." He probes my mind again and I struggle to resist.

"I'm not giving you anything," I say breathlessly.

"We'll see," he says, smirking. His hand reaches closer and I feel him tugging on my mind. This time I'm ready and I weakly push back against him. He frowns, sensing the opposition, and presses harder. I push back just as hard, hard enough to send the probe backwards. I see flashes of memories that aren't mine and feel the cold despair that fills the deepest part of his mind wash over me. I flinch and let go of whatever it was and the connection is lost. Ren is staring at me now looking perplexed and slightly unsure.

I grit my teeth and glare at him in a silent challenge. I've completely blocked him from my mind with a mental wall I'm still not sure how I built. He appears almost afraid now and presses harder, desperate to break me down. His weakness gives me strength and resisting him is no longer a struggle.

Reaching out once more, I grasp for the connection I felt before. I find it and follow it back to its source. Before me I see a big black dam, its surface full of cracks and small holes. Through those holes shine bright lights, which I reach for with my mind. Suddenly my mind is filled with emotions that feel so familiar, yet I know aren't mine. I see a little boy, desperate for love and attention, yet ignored by feuding parents. I see an angry teen lashing out in an attempt to be seen, heard, anything. He just wants to matter. The next memory is more recent. Kylo Ren stands over a burned mask, one that I've never seen before but that can only be Darth Vader's from the stories I've heard over the years. Desperation and yearning surround me, and it all finally makes sense.

"You. You're afraid," I lean forward and he stares at me, angry because I invaded his mind and confused because no one has ever resisted him, let alone turned his trick around on him. "that you will never be as strong as Darth Vader--"

He pulls his hand back as if I'd burned him, and the connection snaps with a force that shoves me back against the chair. We're both breathing heavily and regarding one another with caution and curiosity. He tilts his head and narrows his eyes.

"How did you do that?" He demands, his voice a mixture of anger and uncertainty.

"I-I don't know."

Ren slams his fist against the wall before turning to me again. "Tell me!" He yells.

"I. Don't. Know," I growl, losing patience for his childish temper.

He paces back and forth for a few moments before stopping and glancing up at me. "You and I, we're the same, you know," he says in a quiet, malicious voice. "I know you saw inside my mind. I know you felt what I felt, because I saw myself mirrored in your memories. You felt it too, don't deny it."

"We are not the same," I hiss. "'re a murderer, a monster. You kill without reason and you manipulate people, force them to work with you, because it's the only way you can get any kind of company! You are the one in denial. You're so lonely and afraid but you cover it up with senseless violence and childish tantrums!"

He whirls on me with a growl and wraps one hand around my neck. I gasp for air but his grip is so tight I can only open and close my mouth like a fish out of water. "You don't know anything about me, scavenger," he snarls in my ear. "I'd be careful if I were you. Don't forget who's in charge here." He tightens his grip and my eyes bulge. The edge of my vision starts to go dark. "I can kill you, if I feel like it. It'd be easy. I just--"


The hand around my throat disappears and I gasp. My lungs fill and I start to cough, tears streaming down my face. My captor glares over my shoulder at the doorway, clearly displeased with the interruption. "What is it, Hux?" He asks impatiently.

"The Supreme Leader requests your presence. He demands an update on the girl," Hux says with disgust. Ren sighs and picks up his mask before heading for the door.

"This isn't over. I'll be back," he says threateningly. I glare at him and listen as he gives instructions to the stormtrooper charged with guarding me.

I'm left with my thoughts, which drift to images of a young Kylo Ren. He was so different, so innocent. I can't help but notice the similarities between the images I saw in his mind and my own memories. Yes, we had much in common long ago, but not anymore. I'm not evil, and I'm not a killer. I didn't turn into a monster because my situation was difficult. I had a terrible childhood - who am I kidding, my whole life has sucked - but I grew stronger and more resilient from those hardships. Ren, on the other hand, is a coward. Rather than do his best to make the most of his situation, he used it as an excuse to turn into a murderous psychopath.

We are not the same.

So why can't I stop thinking about him?

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