Chapter 8 - The Mind Of A Deceiver

Start from the beginning

explaining to do because this is getting ridiculous.

After a quick shower I'm out the door and am texting Mark to meet me at the bus stop.

Arriving there hes already there look really handsome in

his blue jeans and white tee. And might I add his muscles

look very yummy in that shirt too, what? Don't judge me

friends can have thought like this about each other, right?

Because come on how can you not think he looks sexy in

that and hes wearing his all to adorable smile that

brightened up when I walked towards him, he has one of

those smiles that are viable in the eyes.

Shit from what I just thought I think I might be starting to develop feelings for him.

Mark snaps me out of my thoughts before I get panicked and ask me if I want the tea he got me.

What tea? I look and see he is holding a tea for me, well

now I feel dumb and how did he know I wanted tea. I raise

my eyebrow and ask him how did he know I needed tea.

And his reply brought a huge smile on my face, you wanna

know what he said? Well even if you do I'm telling you

because your reading what I'm writing.

Anyways he said he got me the tea because he

remembered me saying I was Pmsing last night and

figured id want the tea before school. You see why that

made me smile he is too sweet, and he doesn't come with

drama, hes just simply simple.

School -

Our bus never came so we walked to school it wasn't too

bad it took about 20 minutes. Plus it gave me more time to

talk to Mark I can actually say talking to him has become

the highlight of my day. Daren and Stephanie wont talk to me now that I live with Anna. Which hurt 

like hell at 1st I thought we'd be friends for life, but I guess not. But back to the point walking to the

school was fine until we actually got there.

As soon as we got to the door I saw Anna talking to some

chick. What ever was being said looked heated and I was

wondering why the hell she was yelling at my fiancé like

that. I guess I looked pissed because Mark practically

threw me at the front door, but not before I saw the bitch

shove her. In a speed I didn't think was possible for

someone who isn't superman I was in front of her

knocking the bitch out. I guess I blacked out because I the

next thing I remember is hearing Anna screaming and

Mark pulling off oh her because some how I was on top of

her punching her.

Once I calmed down I looked at Anna and she was in

Just A Glance (Lesbian) ( Unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now