"Is he really looking at me like that" I thought as my face ran hot. There was complete silence in our home.  Leo pulled me close and our lips met. I felt his hands on the small of my lower back as I placed my hands on his chest.  "Yes, this is happening and I love it" I thought to myself. It felt so good. Just the touch of his hand sent shocks through my body. His hand ended up in mine and our fingers laced together. I ran my thumbs over his knuckles. Leo pulled away and met my gaze. Not knowing what to do or say, I smiled at him and we both chuckled. I rested my face in his chest and he continued to hug me.

I awoke the next morning and rubbed the crust away from my eyes. The sunlight kind of stung my eyes and I knew my hair was a mess (I guess that's my fault for not putting on my bandana last night).  I was never much of a morning person. I felt around for my glasses to wear until I put in contacts. I quickly focused and found them and put them on.  I managed to drag myself to the bathroom to commence my routine and noticed something. On top of the medicine cabinet, was a small box. It was positioned in a way that looked like it was meant to be hidden. I saw that it was white. I placed it down and walked around to find Leo. He was usually making breakfast by now, but this morning the air wasn't filled with the scent of bacon or eggs. There wasn't even a whiff of pancakes or French toast. As I stood there in our empty condo, I looked back at the box in our bathroom.

Leo's POV

I was out for a run. I'm not really a morning person, but for some reason, I felt like getting up early for a run. It must have been a good reason because it was winter and I don't know many people who get up early just to run this time of year. Anyway, last night was amazing. It was the first time that Nikkie and I had a real moment. I've never felt that way with Kat. I knew what I had to do. I have to end it with her. There was no way that Kat and I would ever have what Nikkie and I do. I felt a spiritual connection to her. I know it probably sounds odd because this whole thing with us was set up before we even had a fighting chance. If there was one thing that I learned in the past two and a half months, it was that you can't choose love. As I continued to run, I ended up at PJ's house. I sent him a text message.

"Hey, wake up" I sent him

"No" he sent back

"Then I'll be forced to admit my 'dying love' for you right here on the sidewalk outside your house" I threatened. No more than a minuet later, I saw the front door open and PJ was there in the front door in his baggy sweat pants and white T-shirt. "Thanks Dude" I said with a smirk.

"Man, I hate you. Did you know that" he said still sleepy. He followed me to the living room. "Is there a reason why you are at my house this early" he asked rubbing the side of his face.

"I don't really know" I told him.

"Oh, you know. When you drag a man from his bed, you know" he said with his eyes wide. I explained to PJ my situation. The tale of the two girls in my life. "When do you plan on ending things with Kat" he asked me.

"Who said anything about that" I asked back.

"You don't have to. With what you have told me, it's pretty obvious that you are not trying to be with Kat anymore. You're having what some might call an emotional affair" I stared at him like he was crazy.

"Have you been looking at your mom's magazines again" I asked him with a laugh.

"She just leaves them around all over the place. What am I supposed to do" he defended himself and laughed too.

"Anyway, since Nikkie and I have been engaged since before we were born, doesn't that make Kat the other woman" I pointed out. PJ just shrugged his shoulders. "I just hope that she didn't find the box" I said told him. PJ looked at me.

"What kind of box" he asked me.

"It's her Christmas present. I bought it a while ago, but I think that now is the right time" I explained.

"Okay, but you should ask yourself something before you give that gift to anyone" PJ said to me. "Whose smile did you first imagine when you bought it" he asked me. I didn't say anything.

After I left PJ's house, I passed by Kat's place and I thought. I had ask myself, where she and I went wrong. When I met her, she was this sweet girl. At least, that's how she appeared. It was somewhere around the middle of junior year I noticed that she and Nikkie couldn't stand each other. The two of them got stuck in the school's elevator for just an hour once and from what I heard from the outside, it sounded like they would kill each other. I got back to the condo and saw Nikkie still sleeping. I took a quick shower. I slipped back into bed with her and put my arms around her. It felt like it was right. This is where I needed to be and I had only hoped that I could do this every day for the rest of life.


Leo had been gone for a little while and I desperately wanted to know what was in that box. It felt like there was an itch that couldn't be scratched. I didn't want to look through anything that wasn't mine, but what was I going to do. Here I am trying to distract myself from the urge to know what was in that box. There was one suspicion that ran through my head. It was there clear as day, but I didn't want to face it. It was kind of scary thought if it was what I thought it was. I had to text Jenny to take my mind off of it.

Me: wake up!

J: No you can't make me

Me: I need to distract myself

J: from what

Me: a box

J: It's not like the movie is it?

Me: no I found a small blue box and it might be Leo's and I don't want to open it, but I kind of do.

J: then open it

Me: NO! I can't then I'll be one of those snooping girls

J: Then don't open it

Me: but I really want toooooooooo


Me: UGH!

Just then I heard the door knob turning. I ran and jumped back into bed and pulled the covers up. I heard the door open but didn't dare move an inch from my spot on the bed. I heard foot steps going towards the bathroom and I felt my heart stop for a second out of fear that Leo would notice that maybe the box had been touched. My eyes remained shut when I felt the bed move. I could feel Leo's arm around me and I let out a small smile. It felt like it was right. This is where I needed to be and I had only hoped that I could do this every day for the rest of life.

Her Boyfriend is my Fiance'!?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें