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Seventeen - Mansae #promopromo



"I just wish we could do more"

"You already do enough"

They do, they really do"


Jimin POV (aka back to normal POV)

My eyes fluttered open as I was met with a worried looking Namjoon and Doctor Jin.

"Jimin, you feeling okay?" Namjoon said giving me a small smile and putting his hand gently on my shoulder.

"Y..yeah. W...what h..happened?" I said, stuttering on my words like a stupid idiot.

"You collapsed Jimin. We've run some tests. I'm so so sorry, the cancer has spread. You've not got much longer left" Doctor Jin said, looking down at me with a pitiful look.

"O...oh. How much longer do I have?"


Yoongi's POV (sorry)

we didn't do enough for them at all. we are nurses. we do fuck all.

I was walking down the hallway with my head down when I bumped into someone taller than me.

"Aish!! Ah, sorry! Sorry! are you oka- Yoongi?" The deep voice said, looking down at me with a puzzled look.

"What the fuck do you want?" I said, quickly wiping the tears from my eyes.

"You've been crying. what's wrong?" He said, his orange hair falling over his eyes slightly whilst he put his hands on my shoulders.

"Nothing is wrong, fuck off you nosy little shit" I said, trying to push past him. But failing. The disadvantages of being short.

"Yoongi please, what's wrong?! I'm not fucking around!" He said, pulling me into the cleaners cupboard and pushing me against the wall.

I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay.

I think.

"Let go of me you fucking idiot!" I whispered, trying to pull his arms off me.

"Fuck this"

He lent forwards and pressed his lips against mine.

So much for not being gay.


Update, Update, here is an update.

~ el

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