“A good player could win under any circumstance.” The next time he reached for her hand she pulled back so hard her foot caught in the table leg and she went tumbling back, he grabbed her wrist before she fell down. He pulled too hard because the next thing he realized her body was crashing into his.

“Oww.” Mel cried out and clutched her chest with her free hand. “I think you broke a boob.”

It looked like it hurt but he couldn’t help himself and laughed. “I’m sorry.” The look on her face was one of anger and annoyance and only made him laugh harder.

She reached out and punched him in the gut then walked around the table to the couch where she sat. “Seriously they always talk about guys balls but boobs are no joke either.”

“Thank you for that bit of information.” He sat next to her. “I’m sorry you’re hurt. You should let me take a look and make sure it’s not too serious.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Funny.”

“No it’s my fault, it’s my job to make sure you’re ok.” He tackled her down to the cushions, she instantly started laughing and Eric knew his job was done because her frown was gone.

“No! Let go!” she fought to keep his hands off her t-shirt and from pulling it up. Eric quickly learned he liked her laugh and her body wiggling against his wasn’t too bad either. He managed to pin her arms at her side. “Now what are you going to do with me?” laughing and having a good time she didn’t have her guard up and let him look into her eyes.

For him it wasn’t funny anymore, no suddenly the air around him felt intense, serious, as he became transfixed with her eyes and his emotions.

“Um what’s going on?” Anthony asked.

Mel looked his way as he walked behind the couch. “Your brother is trying to molest me.”  

“I don’t think so.” Anthony pushed his brother to the other side of the couch. “A bold game with mom in the other room.” His jaw tensed, his eyes were hard giving away his anger.

Eric shrugged. “Innocent fun.”

“Hmm.” Tony wasn’t convinced. He turned his attention back to Mel, his expression softened. “Do you want to come back with me to the studio?”

Mel didn’t answer right away and an unexplainable hope filled Eric’s chest, he didn’t want their day to end yet. “No.” she answered. “I can’t flake on your mom.” A smile broke out on Eric’ face and his brother caught it and said nothing because Mel was there but Eric was sure he’d hear it and more later.


Mel stood from the sofa and grabbed Anthony’s hand. “Come on let me walk you out.” Even her; a social retard could see there was something bothering him. She hoped he wasn’t angry she said no to going with him. It wouldn’t have been right to run out on Theresa and Eric after they went out of their way to make her feel welcomed. She said as much to him.

“I’m not mad because you want to stay. I’m mad because my brother was trying to feel you up.”

She laughed. “He was joking. Don’t worry I’ll let you feel me up first.” Anthony reached out and pulled her against him, his arms locked behind her waist. “I’m not opposed to you doing it now.” She stared into the blueness of his eyes.

He lowered his mouth to the curve of her neck. “Yeah you’re going to be the death of me.” his tongue darted out and traced the path of skin upward to her ear. His arms tightened bringing her closer, their bodies molded to one another. Her toes curled in her sneakers and she wished he’d kiss her but he never did. Like other times he stepped back. “I have to get back to work on this project.”

Mel smiled weakly. “I have to get back to the game.”

He leaned in and kissed her forehead. “Come see me tomorrow.” She said nothing, made no promises she wasn’t sure she could keep. She watched him get into the car and drive away. She took a minute to let her heart rate calm down before going inside.

Eric was still seated on the couch. “It’s still paused.” He said about the game.

“Where’s your mom?”

“She started cooking lunch. She said she’ll reclaim her title after we eat. For a moment I thought Tony convinced you to go.”

“We were just talking. I can be a bitch but I wouldn’t be that rude to your mom.” Mel walked over to the couch and sat across from Eric.

“How’s your chest?”

Mel hadn’t expected the question or the urge to laugh. “Fine, thank you. No more talking about my chest and let’s find a game we can play sitting down.” She didn’t want to trip and end up in any more awkward positions.

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