Episode 35: Atonement for the Aftermath

Start from the beginning

"No. But thank you, sir. I'm feeling better, now."

He glanced at Reuben, then cleared his throat. "Did Levay try any of his lechery?"

Reuben replied with a single nod.

Mr. Gable dropped to one knee beside my chair, and seized my arm.  "That perverted bastard. What did he do?" 

"He touched me, and cast a link of influence on me. Hella invaded my mind as well."

"I'll kill them," Mr. Gable said, face reddening. "Verthandis must have her reasons for delay, but if she doesn't act soon...I will."

"Be patient, Dad," Reuben said. "If we move too fast, you know what will happen."

Reuben's quiet tone brought Mr. Gable back to his senses. "You're right as always, son." He pulled down his mask, and walked to the door. "We leave in fifteen minutes. Silas, would you like one of the robots to help you back to the limo?"

I shook my head. "I'll manage, but thank you."

"Suit yourself. I'll meet you boys at the valet port."

The ride back to Chamberlayne was tense and silent, a complete reversal of the evening's former revelry. I kept my mask and hood on to conceal my anxiety. Levay and Hella had of course disturbed me, but what troubled me most was Tamsin's message. My thoughts swam with a hundred ways I might have angered her, and settled on the most obvious.

I'd been such a fool, allowing my emotions to drive me to irrational action. In my envy of Vance, I'd paraded myself in plain view past them earlier, interrupting an already awkward moment for her. I'd promised her before that I wouldn't interfere with such things, nor get too close when she was in the company of those who sought to control her. What a heel I was for behaving so. I sighed, and rubbed my temples.

Reuben slapped me on the shoulder, expression sympathetic. "Almost there, my friend," he said. "If I were you, I'd go straight to bed."

I grinned, trying to be amiable in spite of my headache. "That's my plan."

"I apologize for what happened tonight," Mr. Gable said. "I never intended to leave you two alone. I'd hoped being among all of the Seekers in the Nether Sanctum would provide some shelter against Levay. And I hoped to be back before he had a chance to try anything. It's my fault this happened. Your mother will flay me alive for this, Silas."

"It isn't your fault," I said. "I'll explain everything to her."

The limousine dropped Reuben and I off in front of Knights Hall a few minutes after the curfew of ten o'clock. As we'd been given permission for a family outing, we weren't in violation. I said farewell to the Gables. Then I pulled my cloak and hood about myself for warmth, and strode along the dusted white pathways to Blakely.

I opened the door to the dorm room as quietly as I could, though the archaic brass hinges always creaked a little. To my surprise, Gerald was still awake, in defiance of lights out. He huddled over his desk by a single candle, drawing in his sketchbook.

"There you are," he said. "How was your night on the town?"

"Revealing." I hung my coat and mask on the door rack. "Why are you up so late?"

He covered a yawn with one fist, still clutching his pencil. "Two reasons. First, I'm mad with inspiration, can't sleep. And second, I need to tell you what happened at the Ball tonight."

I glanced in curiosity at his sketches, and was astounded by the random figure studies and portraits of a girl. A close up of a face revealed it was Marie. Her short hair was cut blunt around her enigmatic smile and slender neck. Another showed her in a dancing pose, ballet slippers laced  up her ankles, arms raised in a graceful arc.

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