Chapter 10: Doing It Alone

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"I-I'm pregnant."

The words echoed in Elliot's head. She was pregnant. With a baby. "Is it mine?" He asked innocently. Olivia looked at him "Y-yeah." She whispered. "I'm gonna be sick." She rushed off into the bathroom and started throwing up. She had one hand and on her stomach and the other one wrapped around the toilet hurling out. She wasn't even throwing up anymore. She was just crying.

He didn't seem like he wanted the baby...maybe she should just take care of the baby herself. She looked down at her stomach "No matter what you'll always have me baby." She whispered to her stomach before getting up. She got to her room she shared with Elliot.

She walked to the closet and started packing all her belongings. She wanted a better life with this baby, and if that meant not having Elliot in her life she was gonna have to deal with it. She rubbed her stomach, the doctor has said she was 3 weeks pregnant. That day she and Elliot spent all day in bed was when they conceived the baby. She had to admit she was happy about a new baby.

She was excited to be a mom again. With her pregnancy with Ella she loved every minute of it. From feeling the first time the baby kicks, hearing the heartbeat, seeing them for the first time, their first steps, their first word. She loved motherhood and wanted this baby whether Elliot wanted the baby or not. She would love this baby unconditionally.

She sighed sadly at the thought of the baby not having a dad. Every kid deserves a dad in their life. Olivia had grown up wishing to have a dad in her life. She always wanted two parents that loved her unconditionally and now her baby was only going to have one.

She stood there her stomach on her hand and a picture she had picked up of her and Elliot on their wedding day. It was the most magical moment of her life. It was on a beach, the weather had been perfect. It was sunny with barely any wind. Their ceremony was surrounded by all their friends and family.

Casey was her maid of honor and Alex was her bridesmaid. Ella and Jenny, Casey and Fin's daughter had been the flower girls, and Eli was the ring holder. Fin was Elliot's best man and Munch was his groomsmen. Cragen had walked her down the aisle, after a love filled ceremony they had went to their party.

It was a small party that was at the restaurant they had gone to on their first date. It was reserved for them only. There was a huge dance floor where they all spent hours dancing. Olivia had her father daughter dance with Cragen. She had her first dance as a married couple with Elliot. She danced with her two kids and had the best time of her life. It was the best moment of her life.

Olivia looked at the date today. August 23rd. Today was their two year wedding anniversary.

Olivia scoffed, two years wasted of marriage, and years of dating wasted. It was all going down hill now. She threw the photo onto the bed and sat there. She heard her stomach growling and started to crave for food. She hadn't really eaten these past weeks. I'd she had known she was pregnant she would have eaten.

She got up and went to the kitchen, she made herself a small bowl of spaghetti and began eating it. As she ate she looked for apartments close to the precinct. She had found two. One was a 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms. The other one was 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms. She was about to circle the 3 bedroom apartment when a much larger hand covered her hand and stopped her.

"Don't." He whispered near her ear. Giving her goosebumps. She moved his hand "Give me a reason not to. You obviously don't seem happy about this baby Elliot so i'm doing you a favor i'm making sure you don't have to worry about us. You won't have to stay in a marriage that's falling apart. Unlike Kathy I won't make you. If you noticed on the table there is transfer papers for me to go to Computer Crimes. I packed up my stuff and i'll be out of here by tomorrow." Elliot looked at her.

"What the hell! Olivia this is my child too! Of course I would want this child. You know how I always told you I wanted more kids! I only asked you if it was mine because in case you forgot you fucking cheated on me! How am I supposed to know if it's mine or not!" "That's the thing Elliot you made it seem like I was some whore! You made it seem like I sleep around! I don't Elliot! It was one drunken mistake! You can't keep using it against me! I've tried to apologize to you and all I ever get is silence! I get you're still mad but if you want to stay in this baby's life then you need to grow the fuck up and start communicating with me Elliot! I can do this without you if I wanted too!" She yelled.

Elliot opened his mouth to say something but Ella had came in "Mama daddy fighting. I no like it." She pouted and went to them. She held each of their hands in her smaller hand and made them hold hands "Kiss kiss and make up!" "No Ella baby, come on let's get you a bell to eat then it's bedtime." Olivia avoided Elliot's gaze and picked up Ella.

"Mama you have baby?" "Uh..yeah baby. I am having another baby. It's in my stomach." "You eat the baby!?" Ella made a horrified face. Olivia laughed "No silly, the baby is growing in mommy's stomach!" "Ohh how it get in there?" " you can learn that when you're older." Olivia made her a bowl and sat her at the table.

Ella took a forkful of her pasta and went to Olivia's stomach "Eat baby." Olivia laughed "Baby that's not how the baby eats! The baby eats when I eat, so feed me some baby." Olivia opened her mouth. Ella giggled and fed her some. Olivia smiled "Thank you baby, now eat up."

Elliot watched his wife and daughter in their dining room playing around and he knew what the right thing was to do. He needed to make up with Olivia. There was no way he was gonna let her take care of this baby by herself. He walked into the room and wrapped his arms around Olivia kissing the back of her neck and whispering his apologies and 'I love you's. Olivia met him with each kiss and whispered back her 'I love you's back. She felt complete again with her husband back.

From outside there was a women staring in at the family with her teeth gritted and her fist clenched. That was supposed to be here in there not Olivia. She was going to change that somehow. Sooner or later.

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