Chapter 4: The One

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Elliot sat on the floor, his life was crumbling down. He let a few tears fall before wiping them away harshly. He threw the ice pack back into the freezer and sat there with his head in his hands. He didn't want to do it anymore. His family was doing better without him. They had a better life while he was being tortured.

He sniffled and heard little footsteps. He cleaned himself up and stood up. He saw two pairs of blue eyes looking at him. "Hey kids." He smiled sadly. They ran to him each hugging a leg. He rubbed their heads "Daddy please don't be sad." Eli looked up at him. "I'm okay buddy." He whispered sadly.

Eli nodded, Ella wasn't convinced. "Daddy." She whispered. He bent down "Yeah pumpkin?" "Me wuv you." She kissed all over his face. He smiled "I love you too pumpkin." He rubbed her cheek "Let's go watch a movie okay?" "Yeah!" They yelled and pumped their little fist in the air. He smiled "Come on kids. I'll make some popcorn."

He turned around, glancing outside the window to see Olivia kissing Derek. He sighed and gripped onto the counter. His knuckles started turning white, he looked down the tears escaping. All he wanted to do was scream. He could barely breathe, he felt his heart breaking.

Bernie came in, "El! Breathe honey. Breathe." He shook his head "I'm fine." He grabbed the popcorn throwing it into the microwave and slamming the door. Bernie sighed "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong!? What's wrong is that I was kidnapped for two years! I was tortured and beaten! Then when i'm finally free my 'fiancé' is off with some guy!! Then my daughter doesn't even know me as her dad! Then finally my kids are finally together with me, and finally i'm partly happy only to be knocked down because I see Olivia kissing someone she probably just met!" He yelled.

Bernie sighed "Elliot calm down! I know it's difficult but you and Liv are mean't for each other, it'll soon enough all be back to normal." Elliot laughed "You don't get it mom. You don't. Olivia and me are not mean't for each other! If we were she wouldn't be kissing someone right now! She would have been right here with me! She would be in my arms while I told her how much I love her! Me and her would even be married!!"

Olivia walked back towards the house when she heard yelling. She walked in quietly and saw the kids. "Babies get into the car." She whispered. "But mommy, we're supposed to watch a movie with daddy." "Go now." She said sternly. They sighed and walked to the car. She went to the guest room and grabbed the bag she had packed.

She walked out before she ran into Elliot. "Shit. I'm sorry." She said and looked at him. "Doesn't matter. Where are the kids?" "In the car. I'm taking them home." "What?!" "I'm taking them home." "I just got to see them today! You can't do that!" "Elliot all you are doing is yelling!" He glared at her.

"You wanna know why i'm yelling? You wanna know how I don't even think I have a heart anymore! Now you broke it! How I just wanted to be with my family how I wanted everything to go back to normal only to be disappointed. How I just saw you make out with someone only to have you saw just hours before in a relationship! How while I was in that warehouse all I thought about was you! How I wished that we had gotten married sooner how I just wanted to hear your voice one last time before I died! Just go! Take the kids! Let them not see me again! Go!"

He walked past her hitting shoulders. He walked to his room slamming the door, pictures on the walls fell. She flinched and picked a picture up. It was a picture of them a month before he was taken. She rubbed her finger against their smiling faces, she sighed sadly and walked out. She was about to get into the car when she heard Bernie calling her name.

"Olivia!" she turned around "Yes?" "Look I don't know what has happened between you and Elliot but please just fix it. He loves you Liv. I know that for a fact, so please just give him another chance!" Olivia nodded sadly "No..I think this is it for us. Could you maybe tell him that he can see the kids whenever he would like. I don't want him thinking i'm taking them away from him." Bernie nodded.

Ella knocked on the window, Olivia opened the door "What baby?" "I stay here? With daddy?" "You want too?" "Yes mama." "Um..okay, Eli you want to stay?" "Yes please mommy." "Okay, two can stay." They squealed and smiled. They ran out and carrying the bag. They kissed Olivia and hugged her "Bye mama." Ella waved. "Bye baby." She waved back.

Bernie sighed "Look Bernie...I found someone. He can move on and find someone better. There is a bunch of wonderful women out there for him. He just needs to move on." Bernie nodded "" Bernie handed her a piece of paper. "He kept this here before he left. was his vows. Just read it please. I should go back inside." She walked towards the house.

Olivia opened the crumbled piece of paper and started reading it.

"Baby, let's see where do I start. We've known each other for a really long time, and in those times I loved you more and more everyday. When I first laid eyes on you, i knew that you weren't just going to be my partner, there was a spark. I knew that you Olivia Benson was the person I wanted to be with. Those nights I went home i'd stay up in bed thinking of you. I was head over heels in love with you, and here I am, 15 years of marriage with 5 beautiful kids, and 2 amazing grandkids and I am still head over heels in love with you. There is no doubt in my mind that I won't ever stop loving you, You, Olivia is the woman I love and the only woman I love. I am so happy to be married to you, you are one of the most caring, beautiful, amazing, badass woman out there, and i'm lucky to call you mine. I love you baby, more thank life itself. Never forget. For better or worse."

She teared up. He was the one.

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