Chapter 31

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I bend down and hold the tin of water to the girl's mouth. She coughs roughly and I quickly turn her over before she chokes. Murphy is suddenly next to me and out of instinct I jump up and away. He doesn't pay attention as he quietly talks to the sick girl.

I watch him warily, making sure he doesn't hurt her. He slowly stands after her eyes close again desperate for sleep. A few hours ago I had recovered extremely and now I'm attempting to help people.

Wow, me helping people? I'm such a good person.

"I wasn't going to hurt you." He stares at me in a way that I can't decipher. I might have actually believed him if it wasn't Murphy.

"Sure. Although that sounds like something you would say if you were going to hurt me," I give him a look before Clarke walks in.

"Hey, what's going on out there?"

"They are going to build a bomb and bring it to the bridge-" I cut her off slightly smiling.

"Then boom..yeah that could buy us some time." Time is what we really needed if we were planning on living.

"Elena, you're looking a lot better so I need you outside. Just do a walk through and make sure everyone sick is in here." I quickly nod my head before following her orders. As soon as I walk out I see a guy coughing heavily and I direct him to drop ship. What part about quarantine is so hard to understand? I jog up to Jasper, but before I talk I see the sickly face of Bellamy Blake.

"Bellamy?!" I walk up to him quickly just he starts to tip over. "Hey! Whoa, whoa. It's alright, let's get to the drop ship."

"You can't touch me.." He mutters using the last of his strength to try and push me away. I just pull him closer and keep walking.

"I've already been sick and like you said..worth it." I lay him down and quickly get him some water and a cloth. I sit next to him and wipe the sweat from his forehead. His hand lightly wraps around mine and i smile lightly.

"Stay here with me," His voice was impossibly quiet as he slowly drifts to sleep. "I'm scared."

I lightly wipe his face again, "It's okay...I'm here." I sit with until I have no choice but get up and help the others.


I walk inside again with the bucket of fresh water only to see Bellamy standing with Clarke. I quickly place it on the ground before walking up to them.

"Hey! Why are you up so soon?" I ask putting my hand on his face.

He slowly pulls my hand away and smirks lightly, "I feel better. Also Raven went out to set off the bomb, alone."

I shake my head slightly, "Why would she do that?"

"It doesn't matter now. Jasper went after her and he's going to make sure it goes off."

"Oh god," I look down. Now either he will hit the target and we will live for another day or that boy will shoot a tree and we will all parish in grounder flames. Suddenly the ground shakes and an explosion is heard.

We all race outside and I stare in awe at the cloud that forms.

"They did it," I mutter shaking my head surprised.

"I am become death.." Clarke mutters and we all stand together, taking in the fact we will live to see another day.

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