Chapter 30

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I watch sadly as they finish carrying out the two bodies. Two more of us taken down...killed. I feel anger course through my veins. We need to fight back, we need to stop them before we are all dead.

"Alright, shows over. Get back to your posts," Bellamy's voice pulls me from my thoughts and I follow him as he walks up to Clarke. "You got enough food in there? Water?"

"Yeah. Some medicine might be nice." She sighs. I notice the paleness of her skin and worry for her.

"We'll do our best." I smile slightly at her and she try's her hardest to return it.

"Octavia, you okay?" Bellamy calls out and I see the look Clarke gives him.

Oh boy.

"Bellamy, she's not here. I sent her to see Lincoln. Look, if there is a cure, he has it. I didn't tell you because I knew you wouldn't let her go."

He shakes his head, "If anything happens to her, you and me are gonna have problems." He quickly turns away.

"Can't we ever just get along for five whole seconds?" I mutter and sigh holding my head as pain starts to erupt there. A headache, right now? Really?

"Out of my way," he grunts, but in surprise a boy turns around with blood coming from his eyes. "Get to the drop ship, now!"

I notice the girl next to Raven swaying slightly. "Hey, are you alright?" We both reach for her as she falls back. Suddenly she coughs and blood lands of the boy's faces in front of her. They all start yelling and raising guns. I back up slightly, watching as all hell breaks loose.

Everywhere I look I see guns or blood. I step back towards Clarke and she gives me a look. I raise my gun to the sky before pulling the trigger a few times. "Hey! Shut the hell up!"

I give Clarke a nod slowly putting my gun down. She walks forward slightly, "This is exactly what the Grounders want. Don't you see that? They don't have to kill us if we kill each other first."

"They don't have to kill us if we all die from the virus! Get back in the damn drop ship!" A kid yells, gun raised. Bellamy quickly grabs the gun and hits the kid in throat.

"Not to state the obvious, but your quarantine isn't working." Bellamy sighs and then Clarke starts to sway.

"Finn don't touch her!" He doesn't listen to Ravens plea as he catches Clarke's body.

Octavia runs through the crowd looking slightly more worried than before. "There is no cure. But the Grounders don't use the sickness to kill."

"Really? Tell that to them," Bellamy points to the two dead bodies by the drop ship. "I warned you about seeing that grounder again."

"Yeah well, I have a warning for you, too. They attack at first light. They are coming." After dropping that bombshell she helps Finn bring Clarke's body to the others. 

Everyone starts to separate and I walk over to Bellamy and Raven shaking my head. I feel a rush of dizziness come over me, but shake it off.

"This just continues to get worse, doesn't it?" I ask lightly.

"Elena.." Ravens voice is tight and trails off as she stares at my face.

"What?" I question, before wiping at my nose. I stare shocked at the blood covering my hand. "No. No, I'm fine. I don't even feel sick."

I ignore the heaviness of my body and stubble back slightly. Bellamy reaches out, but I move away.

"Don't! You can't touch me." I meet his eyes before blinking rapidly. Suddenly I'm free falling before my feet leave the ground. I look to see Bellamy's face much closer than before.

I feel us start to move and I see the tarp of the drop ship. "What are you doing? You're going to get sick, you idiot." I mumble leaning my head back.

"Worth it," he mumbles lightly before laying my body on an empty bed. My chest burns and I lurch forward coughing hard. I feel like my lung is trying to escape from my body and I turn on my side. After the pain disperses I look at my hand and notice the blood. Much more blood than there should be.

"I'll get you some water." Bellamy tried to stand, but I grab his hand.

"No. You need to go out there and figure something out. Fix this and keep us from becoming grounder dinner." After a few moments he nods his head lightly before pulling away and exiting the drop ship completely.

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