Chapter 23

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"Elena, what have you done?" Her voice almost as cold as the look in her dull blue eyes.

"What?" I ask confused. How can she is she standing in front of me. I want to walk to her. Wrap my arms around her, but my feet are frozen.

"You're a killer. I didn't raise you this way. Me and your father. We hate what you've become. A murderer," she spits every word out with disgust. As if anything associated with me repulsed her.

I feel my heart shatter in my chest. The few remaining pieces of it falling away.

Then she's gone. I look around trying to find her. I try to walk a little further, but my feet slip in the mud and I land on my back facing the dark sky.

I lay still trying to catch my breath as the rain hits me. I look to my left and gasp.

"Charlotte?" I ask the tears falling from my eyes. Her skin is cut and bruised. Blood seeping from her head. She turns to look at me tears endlessly streaming from her dead eyes.

"You were supposed to protect me. Why did you kill me?" I sob and reach out my hand but she's too far away.

"I didn't. I didn't kill you. I tried so hard to save you. Why did you jump?" I sob staring at her. My chest caves in with each quick breath and I feel like I am going to pass out any second from the lack of air reaching my lungs.

"How could you blame me? If you had been there I would still be alive!" She yells and I squeeze my eyes closed in pain. I open them and again and I'm confused when I see a pair of boots.

I look up to see a gun pointing straight at me. Behind it is a guy from camp, his eyes showing no emotion. I slowly sit up my hands raised in surrender.

Then I quickly run out from under the gun and kick his foot out from under him. He drops the gun and it slides in the mud. The rain is even harder now as I crawl for the gun. I feel him grab my foot and suddenly he pulls my leg out. I yell landing in the mud once again.

"Officer Shumway sends his regards!" He yells before punching me in face. I catch his fist when he swings a second time before using my own to give him a bloody nose. In his surprise I throw him off me and quickly stand. I get a few feet away my fingers on the gun when I'm tackled.

"Just give up! You're dead!" He yells grabbing the gun. He brings the end of it down, but before it hits my face he's thrown off me. I see Bellamy standing in front of me with a busted up face and he pulls me up.

We both turn to see the gun pointing at both of us. He's just a few feet away and the rain is so hard I can barley make out his face. He pulls the trigger and I jump. But, instead of a loud bang all we hear is a click.

Bellamy quickly takes the chance and tackles the kid brining him to the ground. The guy punches him and I jump in.

I get in a punch before I'm laying on my back, air knocked out me. Every part of me feels like it is on fire and I have no choice but to lay still.

I look over to see Bellamy lift the gun and bring it down a few times before he collapses next to me. We both lean against a tree breathing deeply.

My eyes meet his and I wince at the blood covering his face. Mine can't look much better.

"My mother..if she knew what I've done, who I am..she raised me to be better, to be good. And all I do is hurt people," he sniffles wiping his nose, "I'm a monster."

"Don't say that. You saved my life today. You may be an ass a lot of the time, but I need you. Okay?" I force my smaller hand into his and hold his gaze. Everything I I am saying is true.

I don't know if I'm happy I've finally found someone I need or terrified that I rely on someone I could lose too easily.

"I need you. We all need you. None of us would've survived here without you. You are anything but a monster Bellamy Blake." He uses our interlocked hands to pull me closer. "You can't run. You can't leave me here. You have to come back with me." I finish and the seconds of silence seem like years to me.

I feel him nod against me.

"I won't leave you."


Um okay wow. I would just like to say that if you comment or vote for my story you are honestly so amazing and I love you so much. You don't know how happy it makes me to see people actually enjoying something that I'm writing. So thank you SOSOSOSOSO much for comment/voting. It really means everything to me ❤️

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