Chapter 15

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My eyes slowly open adjusting to the bright light. I take a deep breathe and stretch my arms. I feel something heavy on my waist and look down to see Bellamy's arm still resting there.

Flashback of last night play through my head and I shake my head quickly wanting them to go away. Bellamy's arm tightens around my waist brining me impossibly closer to him.

I realize last night was the first time in a long time that I slept through the entire night. He snuggles into my neck and he sighs.

"Good morning," he murmurs into my neck. I squirm a little at the feeling of it. I feel him move his legs and I realize ours are completely tangled together.

"I never would have pictured the scary Bellamy Blake as a snuggler." I feel my lips twitch upwards despite the hallow feeling in my chest.

"Honestly, I'm usually not. Maybe you're just something special," I laugh quietly at this before turning to face him. We look into each other's eyes seeing the pain and grief in each other. He leans in a little and his hand glides up from my waist to my cheek.

"It's going to be okay," he whispers.

I nod my head quietly, "Thank you,"

"For what?" He asks looking confused.

"For last night. For being there for me. I haven't sleep through the entire night like that in a long time. You must be magic," I lightly joke hesitantly running my fingers over his bicep.

He smiles lightly, "When you can't sleep. Find me." I feel the jittery feeling grow in my stomach and heat rushes to my cheeks.

I quickly hide my face in his chest. Blushing is something I was never a fan of. I feel his chest vibrate as he laughs quietly.

I slowly pull back, "we need to go out there, don't we?" I ask looking toward the tent opening. He signs closing his eyes again.

Then he surprises me by sliding his hand down to my thigh where his shirt had ridden up. I gasp and slap his chest.


Only causing him to laugh.

"Yeah, yeah we have to go out there," he sits up leaving me to lay across the entire cot.

As he stands he looks down at me and I feel the heat in my cheeks again so I quickly hide my face in the pillow. After a few seconds I stand with him and find my jeans and t-shirt. He pulls his shirt on and turns to me.

"I'll head out so you can change," before he can walk out I grab his hand. He turns looking confused before I jump up and leave a quick kiss on his cheek.

He looks shocked, but I quickly push him out of the tent. I hear him laugh lightly as he walks away. Leaving his shirt on I slip on my jeans and boots as well. Putting my hair into a new bun I walk out of his tent trying to be inconspicuous. The last thing I need is rumors.


"Hey, Elena!" I look to my left to see Clarke running up to me. I smile slightly at her and she returns it.

"Have you seen-" before she can continue something bright in the sky catches both of our eyes.

"They're coming to help us!" I hear someone yell.

In the sky I notice something descending fast. Something from the Ark.

"I hope they have shampoo,"

Yeah! Shampoo could solve everything. We could use it as a peace offering with the grounders!

I roll my eyes before turning to look at Clarke. "Shooting star.." She mutters under her breathe.

"What?" I ask somewhat confused.

"Oh! Nothing. I was just going to ask if you've seen Bellamy."

"Nope, not since this afternoon. Why? Is everything okay?" I ask quickly.

"Well everything was till the falling pod. We should probably find him to make sure he knows about it" I nod agreeing with her.

After a few minutes I find him standing with 2 other guys. "Hey, I need to talk to you," he nods to the others before following me a few feet away.

"Hey, everything good?"

"Did you see the- whatever it is. It's obviously from the Ark. We need to go after it in case the grounders find it before us," he looks worried for a minute. I sigh an look up at him catching his eyes.

"What's wrong, Bellamy?"

He looks down looking to be at war with himself. "Hey, you can tell me." I speak softly, my hand laying gently on his arm.

"I need to tell you something," he mutters pulling me along to my tent. There's barely any room in here for both of us to stand.

"Okay, you're officially scaring me. What's going on?" I say taking a step towards him.

"I did something. something to get myself put on the drop ship," he says taking a seat on my cot.

" what?" I ask nervously standing in front of him.

"I shot the chancellor," he mutters not looking at me.

"Wait. Whoa what?" I shake my head. I didn't expect that to come out of his mouth.

"Listen, you've got to understand-" I put my hand up cutting his words short.

"I get it. Okay? I get it,"

"You get it?" He asks looking confused and slightly cautious.

"You did it for Octavia. Right? To get on the ship. You heard she was being sent to earth and you knew you needed to be here to protect her," I say. I understand completely. The need to protect family can make a person do crazier things than shoot the Chancellor...

"Elena," I look up and before I know what's happening his lips are pressed against mine. At first I'm completely shocked.

Then his hand rests against my neck and my lips start to move with his. I rest my hands against his chest and our lips move in sync. He slowly pulls away and I inhale deeply.

"What- um what was that for?" I stutter still not over the shock.

Bellamy Blake just kissed me. I just kissed Bellamy Blake.

Holy fuck.

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