Chapter 3

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I walk over to the blonde who's leaning over a large piece of paper.

"Elena," I introduce myself and she stands taking my hand.

"Clarke Griffin," I nod and take a look at what appears to be a map. Even though she seems set in her ways, Clarke also seems to have a good mind set for finding what needs to be found for survival. Which I'm all for.

She looks concerned staring over at what seems to be a mountain. "What's wrong?" I asks noticing the look in her eyes.

"That mountain over there. That's Mount Weather. They dropped us on the wrong damn mountain." She grunts annoyed.

I roll my eyes at the incompetence of the people on the Ark, yet I'm not surprised by it. I'm suddenly dragged off to the side by Jasper and I notice he's standing with someone else.

"This is Monty! Monty this is.." He trails off and I realize I haven't been able to tell him my name.

"Elena," I stick out my hand and he shakes it smiling.

"Good to meet you," I smile at him.

Me and Jasper turn to catch the end of Clarke and Wells's conversation.

"Cool a map. They gotta a bar in this town? I'll buy you a beer," he attempts at flirting, but Wells pushes him back.

"Hey, he's with us." I hear a voice call and I look up to see the one and only John Murphy. Seems like he's already got some followers. I hold back my vomit.

"Relax, we're just trying to figure out where we are," Wells tries to tame the situation. Although his input won't come off as helpful to these people. The Chancellor's sons acting like Chancellor will only rile them up more.

"We're on the ground. Is that not good enough for you?" Bellamy asks sounding extremely high and mighty.

"Sounds great to me. If only we were on the correct part of the ground, it'd be even better." I tell him.

Wells steps in front of me speaking up, "We need to find Mount Weather. You heard my father's message," he tried to explain and I mean, really? Bring up the man that lock us all away. I'm sure it'll sort out this quickly heating up argument.

"Screw your father," Octavia stands forward sounding exactly like her brother. "What? You think you're in charge here? You and you're little princess?" She asks nodding towards Clarke.

Even though she is screaming bitch I have to give her props for trying.

"You think we care who's in charge? We need to get to Mount Weather, not because the chancellor said so. Because the longer we wait the hungrier we get and the harder this will be. We need those supplies. We're looking at a 20 mile trek. So if we want to get there before dark we need to leave. Now." She finally finishes her small and enlightening speech and I realize people look like they might be taking her words in.

"I've got a better idea, you two go. Get it for us. Let the privileged do the work for a change," Bellamy says and suddenly everyone is agreeing with him. He's obviously leader material, but I feel like there's something else there. He's not a real guard I can tell that much.

I shake my head at the crowd. What part of 'food is far away so we need to get it', is so hard to understand.

"You don't understand! We all need to go," Wells is cut off when Murphy shoves him forward.

"Look at this everybody. Chancellor of earth." he jokes and everybody laughs with him. Although I can't help but role my eyes. A little childish aren't we?

"You think that's funny?" Wells asks looking ready to take him down. But before he could make a move Murphy kicks he's knee out and Wells is on the ground again, "No, but I think that was."

"How about you grow up a little, John," I say his first name tauntingly stepping between the two. His glare is redirected from Wells to me.

Before anything else can happen Finn jumps from higher up and lands in the middle of the action, "How about you wait till it's a fair fight?" He says shutting Murphy down real quick.

"Hey space walker," Octavia saunters up and smirks at Finn, "Rescue me next."

She stands next to me and smiles politely. "Octavia Blake," I laugh quickly nodding my head. "I think I've figured that out already. Elena," our conversation is ended quickly as her bother steps closer giving we a stern look.

"What? He's cute" she smiles innocently.

"He's a criminal," he scolds her.

I step a little closer to him, "We're all criminals," I smirk before stepping back towards Clarke. She's talking to Finn as Wells sits on the ground his knee banged up.

"So when are we taking off?" I ask deciding sitting around here was something I'd rather not take part in.

"Right now," Clarke takes a look around.

"How are the 3 of you going to carry enough food for 100?" Wells asks looking doubtful.

Finn turns grabbing both Jasper and Monty, "5 of us! Can we go now?" He asks impatiently.

"Sounds like a party, make it 6!" Octavia comes up standing next to me. We smirk slightly at each other.

"Hey, what the hell as you doing?" Her brother stands behind looking at he like she has to two heads.

"We're going for a walk," I say looping our arms together.

"Yeah, a walk." She smirks to her brother.

"Hey," Clarke walks up grabbing Finns silver wristband. "Where you trying to take this off?" She asks urgently.

"Yeah. So?" He tells her indifferently.

"So? So this wristband transmits your vital signs to The Ark. Take it off, and they'll think you're dead."

"Should we care?" I ask. I have no one on the Ark, why should I care if they follow us down here.

"Well, I don't know.
Do you want the people you love to think you're dead? Do you want them to follow you down here in two months? Because they won't if they think we're dying."

"Okay, okay. Let's go." And then we are off walking through the tall trees and the vibrant green grass.

My first adventure of many on earth.

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