Chapter 24

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"It's all set up. You're good to go." Clarke tells me and I nod.

"Thanks for this," she smiles and walks away.

I walk over and take Bellamy's hand and give a reassuring nod. We both walk into the tent and take a seat. I nervously put on a set of beat up headphones and Bellamy does the same.

I look up and face him.


My pulse quickens already. Just seeing him brings back a lot of anger and dark memories.

"Mr. Blake, I've wanted to talk to you for some time now." Jaha starts, but I stop him there.

"Before you do, I'd like to say something. Let's not forget when you sent us down here you were planning on us dying. amazingly most of us are still alive. And I don't believe I'd be able to say that is it wasn't for him. For Bellamy. He's one of us, and he deserves to be pardoned of his crimes just like the rest of us." I can feel the strength and conviction in my own words and I hold back a smile as Bellamy takes my hand under the table.

Now is not the time to girl out.

"I appreciate your point of view, but it's not that simple." He shakes his head.

"I know you've proven before that my word doesn't mean anything to you," he looks down and I ignore the guilt on his face, "But it is if you want to know who on The Ark wants you dead."

"Bellamy Blake, you're pardoned for your crimes.
Now, tell me who gave you that gun." he says leaning forward finally ready to listen.


As Bellamy and I stand to leave I hear my name.

"Elena. Stay, I think we have a few things to discuss ourselves," I slowly sit in my chair again. I nod to Bellamy letting him know it's okay to leave. After he walks out I turn to the screen again.

"I apologize. For everything you have been through-" he starts, but I shake my head.

"And I'm sorry. That your apology doesn't mean anything to me. It doesn't change a damn thing. I begged you to listen to me. To believe me," I see the regret in his eyes, but it changes nothing inside of me. "Things happened the way they did. It's nice to know you've realized you ruined more than my life, but my parents as well. Goodbye, Chancellor." I remove the headphones from my ears and stand leaving the tent.

I take a deep breathe feeling a little lighter now that I've told him exactly how I feel. One apology wouldn't change how I feel, my ruined childhood or the death of my parents. It's something I've had to live with and I need to move on.

Before I can continue my little speech in my head I'm dragged behind the drop ship.

"Did you hear about the grounder we had here?" I see Octavia big brown eyes staring at me.

I nod my head confused by the suddenness of her actions. 

"If I tell you something you can't tell Bellamy okay?"

"Fortunately not telling your brother things is something I think I'm good at." I smirk lightly and she looks both ways as if someone was going to hear her diabolical plan.

"I helped him escape." She says it fast and sweet and I almost miss what she had actually just said.


"What?!" I whisper yell at her my eyes about to fall out of my head.

"We talked. He understood me. He saved me, even if Bell can't see it that way.." she trails off looking down.

I notice the pink on her cheeks and the fact that her eyes seem brighter, but can't stay with mine for more than 5 seconds. Oh boy.

"You and him? You like him?" She nods looking almost embarrassed about it.

"Well, good thing you got him out of here." I smile lightly, "Not sure if you noticed, but your brother isn't really a huge grounder fan."

Next thing I know her arms are around my neck. I laugh quietly and she pulls back.

"Listen I'm not happy with the grounders. They strung me up and beat me senseless. But, if you think he's different.." My voice trails off and she hurriedly reassures me.

"I do! He's nothing like them. He's better." I notice the look in her eyes and I can tell the girl has got it bad. Even despite the horrible things that could have happened with letting him go, she still took the chance. Let her feelings cloud her judgement.

Wow, I am so happy I'm relationship drama free.

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