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8 months later

"For she's a jolly good fellow. For she's a jolly good fellow. For she's a jolly good fellow. Which nobody can deny!" Everyone sings.

That's followed a series of shouts.
"Happy Birthday Stray!"
"Happy Birthday Denise!"
"She's so old!"
"Is there food?"
"Happy Birthday!"

Katherine then claps her hands excitedly, "Now for presents!" She says giddy.

They did not. "No no no! I told you guys not to get me anything." I say pushing my chair out. And walking over to her. She raises her eyebrows then out of the corner of my eye I see Mike and Ike carry a bunch of packages wrapped in brown paper in string. The place the packages on the middle table. Causing Boots to get up off of the table.

"Oh god." I groan out. Katherine puts her arm around my shoulder and laughs. Jack then pops out from behind the both of us and tells me."Come on, Stray. It's your birthday! Let us have a little fun."

I roll my eyes at the pair. They have gotten very close over theses last few months. They have fights like any other couple. Except me and Crutchie. We don't really like fighting with each other. And if we do fight its over silly things, like where his suspenders are. Anyway back to Jack and Katherine. Katherine usually ( *coughs* always) wins their fights.

Race shouts with his  cigar in his mouth, "Open dem presents Stray!" I look over at him and I wave my finger in the air. "I am not opening anything until Crutchie gets here." I defy. All of the guys moan and groan at that. Can you really blame me? Or is it just that bad that I want my boyfriend to be here at Jacobi's Deli with me on my birthday?

Davey walks over to me. He was is looking rather guilty. I look up at him and ask him. "Do you have any idea where Crutchie could be? At all? Somewhat? Like if you could guess wher-"

"Denise!" Davey cuts me off. "You are worrying way too much. You and I both know that he would not just ditch your birthday party." Davey puts his hand on my shoulder giving me some reassurance. I smile to get give a him response to what he said. He took it as a good one.

"Aye Stray!" I look over to where the noise is coming from. Elmer is leaning against the window. "Lover boy is coming!" I hope he is referring to Crutchie because if Elmer wasn't talking about him that would make for one awkward entrance. 

And in walks Crutchie. Mush yells as soon as he walks through the door. "Thank god yous got here. This party was goin' down da drain." Katherine then snaps Mush a mean look since she did plan out this party. He is quick to sit down once he sees her face.

Crutchie hobbles over to me with something hidden under his arm. I give him a peck on the cheek and he smiles shyly at me. "Happy Birthday." He says. Crutchie then pulls the object out ands hands it too me. "I saw it when I was at my selling spot and I knew you would love it."

I look down at what he just gave me. It's a brown leather notebook. I open up and flip through the pages, but all the pages are blank. I look back up at Crutchie. "It's a journal. So you can write down all of ya adventures."  I look at him and smile.

"I do have a lot of those." I say and with be share a light chuckle. "I love it Crutchie. Thank you so much." He smiles so brightly when I said that. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into a hug. He was so happy that I loved the gift. And I really do. I could write about everything in here. Meeting the guys that day. Crutchie's and I first kiss. Medda's wise words. Morris and Oscar Delancey. The Refuge.  Vic and Clyde. Davey and Les. Katherine. The Strike. Being in the newspaper. Pulitzer. The night of the Rally. Winning the strike. All in all there is a lot to tell the world.

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