Mr. President.

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I see a scab climb up to chalk board and gives us the headline.

I read it out loud to everyone "New newsie price: 60 cents per hundred."

Davey is shocked he runs up to me and turns me towards him, "Is that news?"

I take my hat off and my hair falls out, I slap the side of my body with my hat in my hand. "It is to me!" I say stubborn. "They jacked up the price of papes, ten cents more a' hundred!" I finish out explaining to Davey.

Buttons' voice quivers, "I could eat two days on a time." All of us is gonna have to take cuts. Crappy cuts.

"I'll be sleeping on the streets." Boots yells. Mush snaps back at him, "You already sleep in the streets."

"In a worse neighborhood."

I run over to Crutchie. He looks at me worried. I return the same look to him, "What are we gonna do?" I ask.

He runs his hands through my hair, it's rare when I don't have my hair in 'Race's old newsie cap.'  I should say 'My newsie cap.' I enjoy what I can in the moment though, I am worried

"We're all gonna be ok, We's family." He says with his soft voice.

All of the newsies swarm into a big group, you can't hear one clear conversation. All of us have the same topic though. It's the price. How can they do this? Doesn't stinking Pulitzer have enough money in his pocket? Like he doesn't make enough already, he has to steal it off of some kids.  That' soaker.

The loud footsteps of a familiar face are heard and of of our heads turn, "Hey, what're you all standing around for?" He says breaking up our group.

Crutchie perks his head up and says as angrily as he can, "Hey Jack, get a load of this!" 

Weasel yells from behind the counter, "Papes, Papes for the newsies!"

Jack holds his hands up and we grow silent, "Relax guys it's gotta be a gag." I didn't think about that. My mind just went straight to the worst possible situation out their. Then again, I am  not known for thinking things over.

"Line up boys!.....and Stray."

"Good joke. Weisel, you got these fellas goin'. I'll take a hundred and be on my way." Jack slaps down the usual payment for hundred papes. He acts like its nothing. I'm screaming on the inside.

"A hundred'll cost ya sixty." Oh no! It's true.

I run up to Jack at the counter, "This ain't no April Fools Jack." I says placing my hat back on my head. We both look at each other, Jack smiles. Then we look at Weasel. "I ain't paying no sixty." He says definitely.

Weasel puts his hands on the counter and puts pressure on them, he growls at us," Then make way for someone who will."

Jack slaps the counter, and Weasel jumps back, "Well you bet me and the fellas will hike over to The Journal!"

Me and Jack walk with the boys to the gate, then Specs shows up and stops us, "I'll save you the walk, they hiked up the prices too!" What? What is this? What is happening?

Stray on StrikeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora