I got nothin'

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Buttons pulls me out of the World distribution outlet. All of the newsies are fleeing the scene. Most of them walking with a limp. Other holding there arms or head in pain.

I jerk my arm out of Buttons grip. I running back towards the gates. Buttons grabs my arm and I know he didn't do it, but a sharp pain shot through it. "Stray! What are you doing?!?!" He franticly yells at me.

"Crutchie!....And Jack!" Are the only words I could even get out of my mouth.  My throat hurts from screaming. All the things running through my mind and those are the words I choose to say. Remind me to slap myself.

Buttons are pulling me towards the group of guys. They are going back to the lounging house. I can't. I need to be with Crutchie. "Dem bulls got Crutchie and if we don't run they'll get us too." He tells me. That made me jump.

I tug back on my arm but he still has his hand on it, so he feels it and turns around. I have his attention so I say. "But what about Jack!" I shout.

Buttons stops walking and looks me dead in the eyes. "You know Jack. He could out run anyone, he can punch a hole in a wall. He'll be okay..." Then he starts to walk again and pulls me with him. "But I know that Jack is probably worrying about you. So I'm going to make sure you're safe."

"Buttons!" I shout at him. He lets go of me and my leg crumbles from underneath me and I fall in the ground. "Crap!" He says walking over to me and helping me up. Buttons grabs my arm and places it around his shoulders so I can hobble around. "Oscar and Morris must have gotten you good."

"I hate their guts. They just beat Crutchie. They beat me. They beat all of yous." I mumble angrily at the ground. Buttons hear me though and he snaps at me to keep me moving. "Yeah, well if we don't move faster they'll beat both for a second round."

An idea pops up in my head. "Medda!" Buttons looks at me funny but keep me moving. "What are you talking about?" He says but he doesn't look at me.

"Medda!" I shout again. "Let me go to Medda's. I'll be safe there....Buttons let me go." I plead with him. He looks at me.

"You want to go to the theater?" He asks me questioningly. I nod very fast that have to take a second to not become dizzy. "Well...I don't think the Bulls will find you there. Fine. I'll take you to Medda's."

When he said that he was going to take me there. I may have overreacted but it was because I just went through a lot and I want to scream. "NO!" Yeah like I said I overreacted. "You go with the guys. I'll be fine."


Buttons lets go of my arm and I make a break for the theater. People are looking at me weird. A police wagon zooms down the street. I know that they are trying to lock up more Newsies. A boy about my age that doesn't look like a newsie sees me looking frantic. He grabs my wrist and ducks behind a barrel. "You okay?" He asks me.

I zone back into the moment. A complete stranger just helped me. In New York that's a rare find. "Yeah...Yeah. Thank you. Thank you very much."

"Whys you running for? Cops? Stole somethin'?" The stranger asks me.

"No. I would never do that... Tell you what, In a few days look at the papes. I'm sure the story will be in there." I say panting because I am out of breath.

"I will." He says. I nod and smile at him. I peak up from behind the barrel and I don't see anything so I start running to Medda's. Irving Hall.

I pass back through an ally so that those goons won't catch me. I see the backstage entrance. I look around to make sure that no one is looking. The door is unlocked so I push it open. There isn't a show going on. That's good because I would be a real distraction. Really Stray, out of everything that just happened that's the thing you worry about.

I close the door. I lean against the wall, but my leg gives out from under me and I fall to the ground. I situate my self and sit against the wall. I breath in deep heavy breaths trying to clam myself down. But sadly that is impossible to do right now.

Crutchie. They just charted him off to the refuge. This can't be happening. This all must be some horrible nightmare. But it isn't. This is my life and I hate it. I hate everything. I hate the Delanceys for beating him. I hate Weasel for saying he was nothing. I hate Synder the Spider for taking him away from me. And I hate myself for not going back there and trying to save him.

Crutchie is the sweetest most caring, kind, selfless person. He doesn't deserve to be treated like that.

I think back to the one thing that always kept Me, Crutchie, and Jack sane and full of hope.

Santa Fe, ah my old friend. Jut if there is anyway possible let me go, far away. Some were not one of those single scabs could find me. And tomorrow wont remind me of today. My worries wouldn't be that the people I care about are hurting. My worries would be along the lines of if I should swim the whole Rio Grande.

No more running. No more lying. No more fat old men denying me my pay.

Look at me I'm so stupid. Here I am dreaming of a place. I can't my whole life dreaming though I know that's all I seem inclined to do. I ain't getting any younger and I just want a place where I can start out fresh. I want space and fresh air. l don't care if the Delancey brothers laugh in my face, let them.

I know its stupid. To dream about a place I myself have never seen. But is it that bad for me to just have something to hold onto. Especially right now. The person who has always believed in me is gone. I lost him.

"Why do I hear sniffling? Who's down there?" I hear Medda's voice call out. I look over to the small wooden set of stairs leading to her dressing room. There she is. She is not in her normal extravagant clothing or costumes. Medda is wearing a simple silk robe.

I answer her, but I do not move. I do not have the strength to move. "It's only me." I say sadly in my voice.

"Stray?" She says surprised. Her heals make clicking noises as she hurries over towards me. "Oh Stray. Baby what happened? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Medda pushes back my hair out of my face. She also takes off my hat so that she can see my face. I take in a breath and look at her. "The strike failed....They beat up real bad. And..and.." Do I have the bravery to say it. "They took Crutchie." I completely break down. Medda pulls me into a tight hug and I cry on her shoulder.

"Oh you poor thing." She say softly. She doesn't let go of me and that a good thing because I just need someone to cry out to. And the guys aren't very sympathetic. "Crutchie was just as broken up as you when your own pops locked you up."

"Really?" I thought we would be strong and try to act tough even if I could punch better than him.

Medda pulls me out and holds me by her hands on my shoulders. "Oh yes. And the day those boys busted you out. Oh he was so excited. He kept worrying if his vest was straight. His vest! He wanted to look incredible for you." She laughs lightly remembering that day. I join her because that is so something that Crutchie would do. "So Stray. IF you two really love each other than there is nothing that can keep you both apart."

I pull her in for hug. I rest my head on her shoulder and whisper lightly trying to hold back any last minute tears. "Thank you, Medda."

"Listen kid. There is a couch in the green room. I think its best if you crash there. You look like you can use some rest. I'll call over those newsies and they'll get you home safely."

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