Ain't so fancy. Huh, Delancey?

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I said goodbye to Darcy and Katherine, because I had to see the guys and tell them about the story and my newly healed foot.

Right now I am running through the streets carrying a newspaper in one hand and Crutchie's old crutch in my other hand. I hit a poor fellow by running so fast and not having control of the crutch. I said sorry, does that make up for it? Gee I really hope so.

I can't stop now, I'm so full of excitement that if I do stop now I would not have any energy to keep moving on to the guys. They are either probably at Jacobi's Deli or the Newsboy's Lounging House. They probably would not want to be held up at the lounging house for  another boring meaningless day.

I see a wagon push through the busy buzzing streets. The driver yells at people to get out of the way. In a very mean tone of voice I should add. A mother yells at her son for running off away from her.

Two dim-wits are punching each other, while others with money place bets on who they think will win their fight. If Race had any money on him I just know that he would be right along those fellas betting along with them.

You know when you aren't selling newspapers, you notice a lot more of your surroundings. Like how loudly vendors tell or how carter little children are after the school bell rings. And things that you don't maybe want to see. Like some couple yelling at each other in front of common folks in the streets for no reason at all.

See for just looking around at my environment I am able to pick out little things. Such as the Delanceys walks down the street. WAIT WHAT?!??

I have to find a place to hide right now. Too late. Oscar Delancey meets my eyes. His usually stern face now has a devilish grin. Oscar elbows his brother to get his attention. Morris turns and notices me. I see his face. He now has a black eye. Looks like we are even for the time we they gave me a black eye.

Should I run? I just know I should but I can't something is keeping me in place. Oh crap! They are getting closer. And can some one tell me why I am walking towards them?!?!

I can not be face to face with then because of our height difference, but me and Oscar are standing so close that we can hear each other breathing. I am angry at the brothers. Beyond angry. They are the ones who took Crutchie away. To the Refuge or in lack of better words the Hell House. 

Morris who is standing at some distance from his brother pipes up in the tense silence that we are currently soaking in. "Aren't you gonna thank us?" He spit outs. I squint my eyes in confusion at Morris. Why would I ever thank a lowlife like the Delanceys? As if on cue his brother, Oscar, as almost as if he could read my mind says, "For taking out the trash...Ya won't miss that old dusty gimp anyways would ya darling?"

I start breathing heavily and I back away from Oscar. I get mad, like real mad. They can't say things like that. And they are going to regret they ever said such a thing.

"Now!...Now you listen to me you  worthless scab. First of all you or brother will never be half the man that Crutchie is. He is kind and forgiving and all the great things that you will never be. Second of all don't you ever call me darlin' again. Because I would not be caught dead with the likes of you."

I try to stomp off but Oscar grabs my arm. "Not so fast." I look down at the object that I am holding in my hand. It's the pape. Oscar glances down to what I was looking out. "Now what do we have here?" He says inflecting the last word. Oscar snatches the newspaper out off my hand. "Why is a World newsie carrying around a copy of the Sun?" I don't even dare to answer him.

Morris walks next to his kin and they both read it. Morris grabs it and rips it up. "No!" I shout. Oscar squeezes my arm tighter so I shut up. It works I pipe down from pain.

"Newsies stop the World" Morris repeats from the paper. I try and squirm out Oscar's grip, but to no success. "Really after we beated ya little buddies right ta a pulp? Ise thinks this story is bucket of lies."

I try and stand as tall as I can without letting Oscar hurt me. I snap at Morris. "You're scared. You're scared we are gonna win. And you now what?....You should be." I try and add a grin to my face like they do that all the time to be and the boys.

Oscar plasters a smile on his face. "Now dats a girl with spark."

I scoff at him and snap my head around to Oscar instead of his brother. "Don't flatter yourself Delancey."

"Only for you Sinclair." He try's to be smooth. But I don't have any of the crap. Not today. I stick my tongue out at him disgustingly. Stupid Delancey.

Oscar pulls me in closer to him, Morris helps him out by giving me a shove and I sneer at this action. I have a pretty good idea about what he is about to do and let me tell you I am scared. More scared that when they would punch and kick  me. This by far bets those things in the gut.

Oscar pushes himself onto me and pushes his lips to mine. I try and back up, but his grip on me keeps me in place. This by far is the most disgusting thing that has ever happened to me. He finally lets away from the kiss, but keeps his grip on my arm. I'm sure my face shows a look of pure shock and or horror. While I can't see my own face, I can see Oscar's and he is smiling from ear to ear.

There are no words. What are you say in a situation like this.

Morris laughs his head off. And then says to his brother but loud enough to get his point across to me. "So much for the tough girl?" He laughs. Morris just laughed at me.

His brother laugh with his brother and then turns towards me. "Ya think she wants more?" He says to Morris, but it was meant for me to hear. Oh please God no!

The other object in my head is all I have to protect me. And it's one of Crutchie's old crutch that I have been using for these last few days. Wait! That might actually work!

I swing my arm and hit Oscar right in the face with the crutch. Out of shock he lets go of me and I take off running before either of the two brothers could catch me.

Every that just happened was a blur. The only thing I know for certain is that Oscar Delancey just kissed me.

I have to run to the Deli as fast as my legs can carry me. I have no newspaper to show the guys, but I told Katherine to swing by, maybe she'll bring one over with her.

Even with Crutchie away he helped me. I don't know how I am going to keep going without him here with me.

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