Looking at her toned stomach Celia freezed. Her worst fears had been confirmed as her eyes focused on the ride side of her body, just above the hipbone. Eve was completely covered in blood but there was no mistaking the deep bite mark that tore through the soft flesh in her side.

Celia's fingers trembled, barely able to hold onto the sticky cotton shirt in her hands. The fabric felt rough and foreign against her skin as she held it away from Eve's side. "Cassius!" She yelled in panic. Her eyes catching Eve's as a tear slipped down her face. Eve just stared at the wound in silent curiosity, as if just realising it was there.

The heavy pounding of footsteps crunched against the dry, dead floor as Cassius came into view. Celia heard him before she saw him. His heavy frame making no attempt to keep quiet as he pushed through the thick undergrowth. Looking up, Celia caught the question in his eyes as she trembled. Written on her face, the fear for her friend shone like a light in a dark room.

He didn't say anything as he took in the surroundings. Scanning the twisted trunks that emerged from the dried, leaf covered floor like teeth. The undergrowth was thick in the area they sat in. Celia felt completely concealed being swallowed by the thick, tall grass. She watched silently as he made his way to her, looking at Eve with deep curiosity as he came to face her front. His jaw tightened at the sight of Eve's mangled side and in a heartbeat Celi felt herself being ripped from the ground. His calloused, mud clotted hands were rough against her arms as he ripped her behind him. She gasped at the pain that short down her arm in response to his tight grip.

"What are you doing?" She yelled, ripping her arm away from him. He turned to face her, his face hardening into a mask of stone.

"You shouldn't be near her," he replied in a growl as he looked over his shoulder at Eve. She was silent staring at the ground in what could be shock – Celia didn't really know how her friend felt about it in all honesty.

"Why not? The transition takes up to a week Cassius. She's still my friend," her voice broke as she stared pleadingly at his unmoving face. It was like talking to stone, his mood unchanging and unforgiving. After a few seconds of silent pleading, Celia gave up and pushed past his muscular frame. The contact of their limbs brushing past each other sent a fire to erupt through her body, causing her skin to crawl. She cursed herself, seeing the fire as a weakness as she knelt down to Eve's level and brushed the hair from her face.

"Let's get you out of here," Celia gently gripped Eve's skin, noticing the coolness of the contact as she pulled her friend into a stand by the arms.

"Am I going to die?" She asks in a whisper and Celia felt something lodge in her throat. Her friends voice was quiet but the question pleading. Eve knew the answer. Everyone did. But that didn't stop Celia from lying and placing a weak smile on her face.

"Everything will be okay," the words tasted foul in her mouth.


"Everybody up!" The power behind the Alpha's voice sent the large crowd shooting into the air. His charcoal skin blended perfectly with the shadows casted by the trees, but there was no mistaking his presence. This man was an Alpha. "Line up! 12 lines single file! I don't want anyone to miss inspection!" The penguin formation ceased as everyone desperately pushed themselves into a single formation, sorting themselves into their rightful packs.

Bodies clattered in attempt to complete the order as the other high ranks watched the Alpha of the North-east. The noise of desperate chittering and loud thumping along the floor rang through the trees, sending birds screeching away to safety. 12 large lines formed impossibly fast. One line for each pack as an Alpha or Beta (whichever attended this year's gathering) stood at the front of a line, facing their chosen group. Celia didn't know what line to join, Alpha Lennon's or Alpha Cassius's. She wasn't even sure if she had to join a line at all.

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