Chapter 5

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"What did he tell you?" Emily swiveled on my lap so she could look at me.

"Um," I cleared my throat. I'd not even tried anything with her other than kissing, and now we had to have the sex talk? "Well, that we have to be virgins until we get all of our powers or the dryads won't deal with us." My poor girl. She blushed so fiercely and turned so I couldn't see her any more. "Hey," I turned her back toward me. "Look, I'm in no hurry at all. Ok? I promise you I'm not. We just got together, and I don't intend to rush this." I pulled her head down onto my shoulder. "I mean it, Ems."

Her arms went around me and snuggled closer to me, just like last night. I closed my eyes and smiled to myself. This was like a nice bit of normal that I felt like I needed after learning I wasn't as normal as I always liked to think I was. I didn't want to think about it any more for right now, I couldn't. I needed to just feel like I had the first time Emily and I were together. I told myself that when I opened my eyes, I'd accept everything, I'd admit to myself that myths were real, and that I could move things with my mind.

I opened my eyes a lot sooner than I meant to. While I was sitting there, it really hit me: I could move things with my mind. Yeah, I had said I didn't want to be some super hero, but now I did. If I saw that I actually did it, you know, move something by thinking about it, everything would be real to me.

"What?" Emily sat up and looked down at me.

"We can move things with our minds," I grinned then kissed her. A few minutes later I pulled away. "We should try it."

Emily laughed. "Start with something small," she looked around the deck. "Come on, it'll be easier to find something inside." I followed her in and she put a salt shaker in the center of the island. "Ok, I guess just look at it and think about it sliding over to you."

"Should be easy enough," I looked at the salt shaker and pictured it sliding, just like she said. It shook a little at first, then sure enough, it slid right over to me. "Holy shit!" I picked it up. "Try it."

"Going to put it down so I can?" Emily grinned at me.

"Right," I put the salt shaker down.

Emily stared at it for a minute, then I got to watch as the shaker went to her just as if it were being pulled by a string no one could see. I had to admit, it was pretty cool.

We spent a few hours moving things around just by thinking about it. By the time Sean and Brody came back we were in the family room and had several pillows zooming through the air.

"Can't we leave you two alone at all? Most couples would be making out, but not the two of you, oh, no. You've got to be showing off and messing up the house," Sean walked into the room a bit, and Emily must have sent a pillow his way because he took a step back. "Which one of you did that?"

"Figure it out, psychic boy," Emily giggled then ducked behind a chair.

"I should have known it was you," Sean picked up a pillow and threw it at her. I wanted to jump in on her side and help, but she beat me to it. "Stop it! If we break anything, Mom'll be pissed and we'll both end up grounded." He started gathering up pillows. "You probably shouldn't have been doing this in here anyway."

"Should we have gone up to my room?" Emily helped him pick up the pillows.

"That'll go over well," Sean hit her with one of the pillows before putting it on the couch.

Charles, just like Emily predicted, was very happy that we'd gotten our first power and had tried it out. We had to show him a bit of what we'd been working on, and he was impressed. He told us to keep working on it. The best part of the night was when he told me that I could take Emily out. I'd already been there all day, but I'd totally take being with her even more. I needed to be with her, she completed me.

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