Chapter 3 - Stairs Are Your Kryptonite

Start from the beginning

Plus it's the only time I can get away from all the noise in town. It's quiet up here. Once in a while, someone will find me and pull some stupid prank. Like last year when they put superglue on the tree stump that I liked to sit on. I ended up having to walk back to my cabin without my pants. I heard that there was video of it, but not like I could check... Anyways, it's silent up here most of the time and that's far better than car engines and televisions.

There aren't quite enough cabins for everyone, so usually, they have 4 kids in each one. Thankfully, since I'm "handicapped" they give me a cabin to myself. It's wheelchair accessible because, apparently, blind people are no good with stairs.

Actually, I really shouldn't say anything, I tripped on that bus step just a few hours ago...

Regardless, I'm just glad I don't have to be roomies with anyone except Jack.

"Jack, it's time to go." I scratch just above his nose to wake him up. Usually he can't decide if he loves or hates it. I feel him stretch and he moves off of me. I go to stand up, but my leg is asleep. Maybe he needs to go on a diet.

"You okay Cassie?" Greg asks and I can hear the concern in his voice.

"My leg is just asleep, it'll be gone in a minute. You can go ahead without me." I smile in his general direction.

"Oh, here, let me."

Let him what? But the question is quickly answered when I feel his hand massaging my thigh. The numbness turns to pins and needles but I can't even focus on the highly uncomfortable sensation because he's touching me.

Like actually touching me.

Not hitting me or spitting on me. Not tripping me or knocking my books out of my hands. His touch is firm, but gentle. I feel an electric sort of sensation that begins to override the numbness. Pins and needles turn to a warmth that spreads down my entire leg. My brain is going a mile a minute and the only thing I can agree on with myself is that I really like his touch.

I can sense Jack getting upset and realise that I haven't breathed since he first placed his hand on me. Jack growls and suddenly Greg's hand is gone and the unique sensation quickly fades. I know I'm beet red but I'm hoping he doesn't say anything.

"My mom says I have issues with personal space. I probably shouldn't have done that." He's closer to me than before and I can hear the smile in his voice. There's also something else that I can't quite place. It's like he's apologising, but not really.

"It's, um, it's fine. My leg is all better now." Did my voice just crack? I stand quickly and reach down to get my duffle.

"I've got it." What is that edge in his voice? It's like he's achieved some great victory or something, but doesn't want anyone to know.

Has he been flirting with me?

I haven't flirted with anyone since my fourteenth birthday party when David Banks kissed me. He said it was for my present and then he confessed that he'd liked me ever since the talent show where I'd danced that contemporary piece that I had choreographed myself. He said I looked like an angel. I was the happiest girl in the world for that brief moment because my crush had kissed me. A few hours later my world crumbled in on itself.

"Oh thanks."

"He should wipe that smirk off his face, or I can do it for him." Jack said to me. I want to respond back and tell Jack to mind his own business... but that would be far too weird, right? I mean, talking to Jack, like I would talk to a regular person, is one of the reasons they call me Creepy Cassie (okay, so it's the main reason), so I decide to keep my mouth shut. "Oh I get it. Some boy comes and gives you attention and suddenly you can't talk to me. By the way, don't slip on the water bottle. It's three steps forward on your left."

I count the three steps and bend over to pick it up. I mutter. "I really wish people wouldn't litter."


Even as I was picking that bottle up I knew I'd made a mistake. Blind people aren't supposed to just magically know where things are.

"How did you-?"

"It's kinda like my super power. Is like the way less cool version of Daredevil's echolocation. I heard it drop earlier that's all." I laughed it off. Can he hear my nervousness? If people start taking it seriously that I can talk to and understand Jack, I'll end up in the nuthouse. That sort of this doesn't happen in real life, I don't understand it myself.

"Smooth" Jack sighed.

I glared at him. Okay, so it was an approximation of a glare in his general direction, but I'm sure he understood what I was going for.

"So you like comic books?" Greg asked, tentatively.

I nodded.

"So what, does your boyfriend read them to you?"

"No, I buy the audio recordings." Jack gave me more directions as I got off the bus. But when Greg's question finally sunk in, I managed to trip again going down the steps. "Wait, what?"

But there was no hard landing, no bruised bones (or egos). Greg caught me before I face planted. He set me down but his hand lingered on my waist.

"It's pretty amazing that you do all kinds of things without one of those white sticks, but stairs are your kryptonite." He paused and then continued one cheekily. "And I was asking about your boyfriend. I want to check out my competition."

"Um, no, no I don't have- I mean there's no one like that."


Author's Note -

Getting to know Cassie a little better and understand both the joy and struggles that she's faced.

Anyone read comics? If so, what's your favorite character? Mine is Harley Quinn and John Stewart (a Green Lantern) as second.

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