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Luke: " We need to talk about Meredith."

Azaylea: "Lucas! You know she is passed!"

Luke: " I have a picture of you and her. From last week!" I started to get teary eyed.

Azaylea: "That was the day of her funeral! I had that picture from when we all went to Hawaii."

Luke: " on the back it says " Hawaii June 8 2013..."

Luke and Azaylea: "The day she died."

We both went silent.
Luke: " Azaylea.. I'm gonna call you later I have a idea.."
I went back to the grave and found another picture, of me and Meredith in France for our vacation time together. It was dated "December 15 2012"  I decided to save these pictures because they might be something that will help me find her.
Shit, I really miss her..

Dear Meredith ( Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now