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Dear Meredith,

I received a letter for you today, you never told me-

"Luke"? Shit. I hid the letter I was just writing and ran to my bed. " Luke!" My door slowly creaked open, " come on mate, we have a recording at 3, come on" I groaned while getting up and getting ready. I wore My red flannel which happened to be Meredith's favorite. I put on my shoes in silence, not saying a word. " why are u so quiet lukey?" Ashton asked, bringing me into a "bro" hug. " I just miss.. Meredith." I said softly walking out the door, putting my earphones in.
I sat in the vehicle waiting for Michael and Calum to come out, I happened to look up and notice body like figures moving around in my room. I ran out of the car up to my room. " Calum! Michael! You have no business being in my room!" I said with anger. " what are these Luke? Letters to Meredith?" Calum spoke holding them up for me to see them. " Luke!" He started to walk towards me. " she is dead." He spoke softly. " and so is the baby. Get over it, these letters will mean nothing." Michael spoke loudly. "I-I have to leave." I grabbed the letters and ran to Meredith's grave. "I missed you Meredith." I said. " I missed you too Luke."

Dear Meredith ( Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now