Chapter Twelve Multiple POV

Start from the beginning

She hated the dark, cold hallways, the eerie feeling of being watched. And the sensation that Snoke was near, but unafraid. It was maddening.

Sensing Kya's fear, Luke turned around. "Kya," he said gently, "don't worry. It'll all be fine, I promise. I won't let anything happen to you."

"And if something happens to you?"

He didn't respond to that inquiry, but instead took her hand. Promptly she pulled away. "Stop taking my hand."

He studied her. "I'm just trying to—Kya..."

"Stop," she said firmly, and continued on the path. She knew he thought he was helping, giving her comfort, but every touch only made her more confused, more afraid, more, more, more...

She stopped in her tracks, her stomach dropping at a terrible sensation and knowledge. "He's near."

"Who? Snoke?" In an instant Luke was at her side.

She nodded, paling. "Luke, something is very wrong here."

"I know. I can sense it, too, but this is our only option."

"I know, but..." She paused. "Luke, he isn't moving. He isn't afraid, he isn't angry, he's Almost like...he's waiting. Here. For us to come and destroy him."

Luke stared at her for a moment. "But...Kya, all we need to do is disable him. Take him to the Senate and they will decide his fate. We can't..."

"I know," Kya agreed. "But, still, he waits."

A moment of terrible silence. Then Luke swallowed. "Come on." He began walking, guided by his truest sense. Kya followed close behind until they turned a corner to be greeted by silence and the presence of one person.



The First Order's forces were stronger and larger than any of them had thought. While they didn't have a great many, they had enough to throw a serious wrench in their plans. Men once loyal to the Imperials had returned to serve the First Order in the battles to come. The Rebels, however, were a great force to be reckoned with, especially beside Mira, who was in combat for the first time. She made use of the abilities she had discovered as well as her basic skill with a blaster. Hastily they heard a trooper calling for air support. Mira bit her lip. They, too, should be getting some cover soon. She hoped.


The hangar was not difficult to find. She and Han maneuvered the twists and turns of the confusing old Imperial compound quickly and easily, having had experience in doing so.

Finally they approached and found inside of it TIE Fighter after TIE Fighter, ship after ship. For a small, growing power, they had many ships, some probably scavenged. Over intercom a voice came in, sounding desperate. "Requesting air support! Requesting air support!" Then the voice screamed and was cut off. Leia turned to Han. "Detonators?"

He nodded and quickly opened his pack, revealing packages of detonators. She grabbed them cautiously and turned to him questioningly. "What do you think? Blow the hangar or just the ships?"

He set his jaw. "Much as I'd love to blow the hangar, I don't think we brought enough detonators for that. The ships should do it."

"All right. I'll take the left, you take the right." She turned and set out to do just that. She rushed to the first TIE Fighter she saw and reached for her first detonator. Attaching it to the TIE wasn't a problem. Then she continued with each TIE and ship until her job was done. Having leftover detonators, she decided to save them for a better time. Running as quickly as she could, she hurried to the exit. Han followed a moment later and together they hurried to the passage outside.

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