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As we enter the house I promptly remember that my room is still a tip and probably smells of hormones and, embarrassingly, my own jizz. He looks at me as if to say "your house is so cool and big because I've been living in the basement for fourteen years." But he instead says "take me to your room." I look at him in surprise for a few moments "I mean," he begins "not like that. If I had those kind of intentions I would have already taken my clothes of by now." I start to laugh and he joins in with me "upstairs it is, big boy." I joke but Jack starts to indicate that something's making him antsy. Something tells me I should stop, but I'm not going to. I'm still joking around when I pull him upstairs by the rim of his collar and push him down onto my bed. We both stop laughing. He doesn't think I'm joking. I don't think I'm joking. We look each other dead in the eyes. What the hell is this? What the fuck? This is less of a feeling and more of a tingle first you're warm, then cold, then warm again and you feel yourself sweating. The only words I'm thinking are what the fuck. Baring in mind, we're been standing here like idiots probably feeling either the same or completely different things until I feel like I want to make a move of some kind. I have absolutely no clue why, but I feel like "being smooth" in my head, is to fake falling down so that I could fall on him and our faces became parallel to one another. We continue to stay silent and now we're still looking at each other like complete dumbfounded cats who had just been sprayed in the face with a sudden jet of water. I must have guessed a sudden compulsion had rushed through the slightly taller boy as in the next second I find our lips meeting. I stay there  and now the only thing I can think of is holy shit I kissed a boy. So I said aloud "holy shit I kissed a boy." There's a gleam in jack's dark eyes "damn right, you did." From there, things start to get heated. There's a lot of clothes-taking-off and dick-to-mouth operations. Good thing mom was out of town or else there was going to be a not-so-pleasant surprise to come home to when all of the stress of business tripping was supposedly gone. After what happened we both agree that this would be a fling, and nobody will have to know and from now it it will be addressed to as "the night." Nothing follows, there's no spark or anything, but I make him breakfast. Good thing we both agreed that it would be a fling, because if I felt something about him I would have felt it by now. For all I know, it was embarrassingly quick and we basically used each other like prostitutes. But the good news now is that I'm not a Virgin any more, but I have to live with the fact I lost my v card to a dude, which if anyone finds out about, I will be slaughtered by Joe especially if he finds out that I lost it to Jack. I hear light footsteps trot down the wooden staircase "morning." He greets me, cheerfully in a frankly, I don't particularly want to say, adorable, small, shy squeal which is exactly what it is. "Hey, man." Concealing everything like nothing had happened is way more difficult than I thought but I think I can pull it off. I open my mouth as if to say something but quickly shut it, but it obviously catches jacks attention as he says "what?" I wasn't paying attention so I just go "huh?" And then he goes "what were you about to say? I saw you open your mouth but then you didn't say anything. What was it that you were going to say?" Jack seems determined. By now, frankly, I had forgotten but then I say "well, I was about to ask if you felt anything last night when we...." I couldn't find the right word so I went with what my brain automatically thinks "fucked." Jack forces out a huff of a laugh "I have all the five senses, of course I did. I tasted things too." He says, in an attempt to make a witty comment. "No not physically," I begin "emotionally. Like an emotional connection." He studies my face for a minute or so and says "nothing." So I go "nothing?" And he goes nothing." And then I go, again; "nothing." And we both felt nothing.

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