Chapter 10

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(Lloyd's POV)

I didn't realize how far I've flown until a familiar archway was in view, and It was none other than the Chamber of Elders.(I haven't watched episode 44 in a while so I might have gotten the name wrong)

I landed on the cliff facing my father's carving beside the greatest leaders of Ninjago.

I just sat there staring at the carving closely, even though the more I looked the more it hurt.

This was the place dad bravely sacrificed himself in order to save us all, he was a hero that saved us all and a hero that I looked up to.

Soon I found myself crying pathetically, something was tearing me apart bit by bit and I didn't know what to do about it.

I have never felt so helpless in my life like today, dad would've known how to deal with this.

I wiped away m tears and shook my head, "don't show pain, be strong, be strong, be strong..." I kept repeating those words over and over.

I took another look at dad's statue, "I'm not the son you wanted me to be, I'm sorry dad" I whispered sadly.

As if on cue, the wind blew stronger and into my face as if trying to tell me something, like a message of some sort.

I thought of staying here, but I couldn't. I had a family, but how can I return to the family I almost killed? I got up and thought of where to go, anywhere away from Ninjago for now.

My destination was decided, so I formed my green dragon and flew to one of the most beautiful places I've been to with dad.

Once I landed the memories came back to me, here in Hiroshi's Labyrinth, when my dad and I were hiding from the overlord.

I walked to the 'jewel' of this place, a beautiful waterfall surrounded by nature and beauty. Dad had called it that in an effort to lessen the pressure that was upon my shoulders.

I sat down near the waterfall, and observed it closely. Sadly my peaceful moment was interrupted by a robotic voice, kind of like Zane except colder and harsher.

"Hello green ninja" said a robotic voice.

I turned around and faced the source of the voice, "who are you and what do you want?" I asked knowing no one would come all the way here for a 'friendly' meeting.

"Come now, no 'hello' or 'how are you doing'?" Spoke the android, as I decided to call it.

"What. do. you. want?" I growled, an actual animalistic growl this time. I'm definitely going crazy, since when do humans growl.

"Ah where are my manners? I am Metal Alice, and I see the corruption has taken quite the effect on you" she smirked.

I froze and stared at her in shock, "how did you know?" I questioned the strange female android, apparently.

"I have my ways. My master has been yearning for you to be in his clutches for quite a while now, so I'm here to deliver his cargo, you" she stated with a grin.

"Excuse me but you do not tell me what to do, so if you may, go away and tell your master I'm not his little 'cargo'" I said with another growl.

"My my it seems that the corruption has taken a big turn, what happened to the sweet well-known and loved green ninja?" She mocked.

"You know what I'm done negotiating, out of my way freak!" I yelled, only to see she has smiled at my face, eyes mostly.

"I'm not going anywhere without you, so either you come with me willingly, or I painfully force you to" she said as she walked closer to me.

"I dare you" I spoke as I shot an energy blast at her; she fell back from the hit.

"Huh, very well" she said as she got up and snapped her fingers, and all of a sudden there's a throbbing pain in my side.

I look down and see an arrow sticking out of my side, and suddenly I felt a huge wave of nausea and an incoming headache.

"Huh it actually worked; you, right now, are my master's dear puppet" she said as she whistled and an airship came out from behind several trees.

I tried to get up but realized I couldn't move, "w-what did you d-do to me?" I asked trying to bear the pain that formed in my side and spread through my entire body.

She laughed and said "that arrow I shot you with was poisoned with snake venom and paralyzing water".

I glared at her and all she did was smirk and say "shush now, it's time you went for a. . .nap".

I tried to form a small sentence, even the slightest word, but blacked out before I had the chance.

(Kaila's POV)

It's been 7 hours since my husband left me here, and things have gone bad.

"Misako you have to tell me, is there a way to cure Lloyd" I asked with a tiny drop of hope, a drop that was waiting to burst into a fountain.

She sighed and said "look, there is a way but for that you have to find the person that caused the corruption".

I looked up and said "Luna".

"What about her?" Misako asked.

"If we can maybe find her we can make her undo what she did! There's still a chance!" I said as I perked up from the couch.

"Luna was gone for years and Lloyd hasn't seen her again for weeks now there's no way she's still here" she said sadly.

"Misako you can't give in! He's your son and my husband! We can't let him down!" I yelled put trying to raise her spirit.

Suddenly she looked up and asked "where was my daughter last time you saw her?".

"I think in the remains of your old house, why?" I asked.

"I know how to find her, go prepare your dragon dear, I'll be right back" she said as she ran to her room.

I smiled at my mother-in-law's determination sprout.

'I'll save you Lloyd...I promise' I thought as I powered up my dragon.

-at Sledge's Lair-

Metal Alice grinned at the unconscious body of their soon-to-be ally, lying in the giant tube she's prepared just for this occasion.

She walked to the progress board and saw the rates rising quite quickly.

She turned and saw the boy moving in his sleep mumbling strange words; this was a good sign, for her and her master, that is.

She ran to her master's room and bowed upon his presence.

"Do you bring me good news, assistant?" Sledge asked as he got off his thrown and walked to the window outside their lab that held the boy hostage.

Metal Alice followed her master and said "the rates have risen to 85%, that means the corruption is spreading, but if we don't act within the next 24 hours we might never control the boy".

"Prepare the machine, it's time I got what's rightfully mine" He said.

Metal Alice smirked at her master and ran into the lab to start up the process of taking over the boy.

'He will be all mine to command' Sledge thought through his now growing smirk as he watched the boy squirm in his sleep.


Babam! How was it? I'm sorry but I disappointed you in a few bad writings, I wrote this at school while somebody urged me to hurry up. So again sorry and hope you enjoyed!


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