Newsies of New York...

Start from the beginning

Crutchie then turns around and runs to me and Jack. Jack gives him a short sweet hug first. Then Crutchie turns to me and hugs me. We look at each other for a few seconds and then I push on my onto his. He is surprised for a few seconds but then gives in and kiss me back. All of the newsies make shouts and hollers.

We must have been kissing for longer than we usually do because Jack talks over the kiss. "Oh, thank you, Governor!"

I lean back out of the kiss and the smile on his face is priceless. I have Crutchie back. My Crutchie.

"Love you too." I say cutting him off and he has a light laugh come out. He quickly turns his head and gives me a peck on the cheek.

Pulitzer starts to talk and all heads look up at him. "Hey, if one of your drawings convinced the Governor to close down the refuge, what about a daily political cartoon to expose the dealings in our own government back rooms? What do you say, Teddy? Care to have this young man's artistry shine a light behind your closed doors?" Jack just got a job offer. To draw. That's his passion.

Jack looks at him and just waves Joe off. "Hey, hey. Joe don't sweat it. With the strike settled, I should probably be hitting the road."

Things are looking so bright he can't leave now.

Davey walks over to us. "Don't you ever get tired of singing the same old tune? What's Santa Fe got that New York ain't? Sandstorms?" Davey says. He doesn't want Jack to go either.

Katherine walks over at puts her hand on Jack's shoulder. She looks at him sadly. "Or better yet: What's New York got that Santa Fe ain't?"

Crutchie talks next. "New York's got us, and we're family."

I am the next one to convince Jack to stay. I bounce off of what Crutchie. "And wherever family is...that's home."

Weasel shouts and we turn to see him standing at his desk as usually and the Delanceys at their usual paper dealing spots. "Didn't I hear something about a strike getting settled? Papes for the newsies! Line up, boys! These papes ain't gonna sell themselves." Race leads the guys over to the desk and they form into a line.

Medda and Teddy Roosevelt come walking across arms linked to each other. Medda says boldly. "Come along, governor. Show me the back seat I've heard so much about." Roosevelt laughs a her comment but no one denies it.

Even though the boys were lined up I could hear Mush say, "Now dat picture's in my head."

Katherine gets Jack's attention back and speak up. "Well don't just stand there, you've got a union to run. Besides, didn't someone just offer you a pretty exciting job?"

He scoffs at her, "You mean working for your father?" He jokes. Needless to say no laughed.

She burrows her eyebrows at him. "You already work for my father." Katherine snaps. After realizing what he just said Jack mentally face palmed himself. "Oh yeah....."

She gently grabs his arm and they look deeply into each other's eyes. "And you've got one more ace up your sleeve."

They don't turn away from each other. Jack repsonds. "And what would that be?"

Katherine gets closer to him and they don't break eye contact. "Me. Wherever you go, I'll be there, right by your side."

"For sure?"
"For sure."

Next thing I know Jack grabs unexpectedly Katherine and they kiss. Now that's something we have never seen before, so everyone starts cheering. Except for Crutchie he was a little lost. He turns to me and asks. "When did that happen?"

I give him a simple answer. "Last night."

They finally stop kissing and then Davey grabs Jack's attention. "Well, Jack. Are you in or out, huh?"

All of us look at him. The newsies let Jack skip the line. Jack slaps down a coin for some papes and everyone cheers loudly.

All of the newsies start saying the phrase that we haven't said in weeks. "Carrying the Banner."

We all get our newspapers and guess what the headline is on the front page. 'Newsies receive fair pay.' Written by Bill Jr. Hearst. Good for him.

A spark goes off in my brain and I know just how to celebrate.

"Race! Boys! Get a load of this!" Shouting at the top of my lungs, I run and jump on Weasel's desk. The guys start laughing as I tap dance on top of the desk. The Delanceys charge at me, but the guys hold them back as I continue.

"Look at me I'm the King of New York!
Victory, front page story. Guts and Glory." I pick up at newspaper roll at throw it up in the air. "I'm the King of New York!!"

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