Chapter 9 - My what?!

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A/N----Enjoy •_• I am SOOOO sorry for not uploading but I'm going to be COMPLETELY honest with my Bambinos...i am not okay. I am REALLY struggling to find inspiration for life and hope and happiness and everything just isn't going great for me at all, it has been going badly for...well forever really but especially for the past month and few weeks. These recent few weeks of my life have felt like everything I love has just crumbled and I've been caught under all of the rubble. I'm sure it'll be okay soon...hopefully.
Keep smiling Bambinos, I'll hopefully be smiling with you soon <3

Nat's POV

I woke up and checked my watch "3am" wow. okay then. Mother and father were obviously in bed but me and Ryth were still snuggled up on the couch. Sam, Greebo & Tiddles were all asleep too. I looked at the peaceful Rythian sleeping with his head rested against mine which was on his shoulder. He smiled in his sleep. I decided to gently get my phone out and go on to snapchat and take a photo of us cuddling with the caption "Stronger than you ;) " I started getting LOADS of screenshots and messages and tweets about it and it was a tad scary. The fans screamed "SHIP IT!" Along with "ARE YOU GUYS DATING?!?" Like no, we're not but I'd like to but shhhhh. "We have a ship fandom now. Oh my gosh" I whispered to myself. I slid down the seat making sure I didn't disturb Ryth and grabbed the blanket, mother usually uses when watching tv and playing games. I gently laid him down as he stirred and obeyed what I was doing and laid down on the sofa. I placed it over him and I was going to go to bed but got pulled back by him holding my wrist I got a fright and fell on the sofa and was pulled into a hug by Ryth. I smiled and laid down with him as we shared the extremely fluffy blanket and we slept.
"Wakey wakey, sunshines" Mother said and pushed me off the sofa onto the floor. I lay there for a while "I was comfortable there. It was warm" I attempted to defend while still being tired "exactly" she smiled and continued to make breakfast. I got up and ran upstairs to get showered and get ready for 'work'. I was now showered so I walked into my bedroom and there was some fairy lights and stuff and the RWBY teddy and more anime and game references in the room, i smiled and got dressed. I was wearing my 'Get Flux'd' baseball t-shirt, dark blue jeans and my white converse that has Flux designs on them. I came down stairs and was looked upon by everyone in the house. Mother, Father and Ryth. They all looked in awe. "Maybe if you take a picture, it'll last longer" I joked and they actually all got out their phones and took a picture as I quickly covered my face from the camera. "AH! NOPE!"  They laughed and put their cameras away "thank you" I giggled. I went back up to my room to grab my Black Parade jacket but decided to leave it. I walked out of my room and shut my door as I turned around, I was met with Rythian "a wild Rythian is approaching" I said making him laugh and he continued to film me for his smapchat. "Hiya, Ryth's snapchat! I'm Nat, it's lovel-" Ryth slammed his lips against mine and continued to video it. The 10 seconds of the filming had eventually ran out just as we broke away and smiled at each other. I fought him to delete it but he posted it and there was NO going back, again Tweets and screenshots and message RUSHED in and the General YOGSCAST page even tweeted and retweeted some YogNau(gh)ts reaction, it couldn't have been more embarrassing, I don't know how to deal with all these amazing people when I'm so awkward , AHHH! Ryth gave me a cheek grin and I booped his nose "I hate you" he laughed "don't lie, you love me, BABE" he put his arm around my waist and kissed my cheek. "Uh huh" I laughed as he ran off to grab his bag he brought yesterday. Off we went to YogTower. Once we got there, Han and Lew came over and took Ryth away for a chat. And my parents done the same. "So how is it like to have Ryth as your boyfriend?" Mother asked excitedly, I smiled then it sunk in what she had asked "Wai-my what?!?" I choked on air as mother and father laughed away. "Your boyfriend. Don't lie to us. We saw the snapchat you and him posted and we saw you guys cuddling on the sofa" they smirked as I blushed so much. "We're no-" I was cut off by a loud Simon squeal. Simon saw. He ran up to me pulling me from my parents and again Simon Squealed "I know-I know" I put my hands on his shoulders to make him stop jumping but failed as he made me start jumping with him, at this point I was lost in giggling with my Uncle. He hugged me and whispered "ship it" in my ear and made my hidden smirk into a full smile with his fingers. After things had calm down What even are we? Like I don't even know. Lewis said I had nothing to film until later so I decided to go to the hair salon I went to last time, and maybe drop in on the adoption centre?

A/N----I hope you all are enjoying this story :)
I love you all so much and I hope you, YES YOU! have a fabulous life and I'll see you later, Baiiiiiii :)
~ Liv :)

Adopted by YOGS DunKimNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ