Chapter 4 - Big Family

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A/N-- Hiya Bambinos :)
Not much of a starter note except: 🎉ENJOY🎉 :) ~(•_•)~

Natalie's POV

"So we have a big family, we have all of the Yogs as our aunt and uncle and our mother and father then you have, your new real aunt, which is Dunc's sister and her partner (if she has a partner IRL, idk) and for me I don't have any real aunts or uncles but again we do have the Yogs as our aunts and uncles" Rythian explained "yeah, I thought that" we smiled "so what's your story?" He asked, coming to sit on the sofa I was on, "Ohhh know. My parents just a car crash" sure. I don't want to really talk about it until I know I can trust him which will take a while. "I know your lying, I'm guessing you don't want to talk about it, I'm guessing it's bad. Awww don't worry, I'm here for you" he hugged me, rubbing small circles into my back. I actually kinda wanted to cry, hah, I feel like I can trust him and he won't betray me but then I feel the need to keep to myself like I have been for so long. "Thanks Ryth, thank you" I wrapped my arms around him hugging back, I couldn't get the smile off my face, I actually felt so lucky and loved now. We broke apart hesitantly, he still had his hands on my shoulders, we just looked and smiled. Until I broke the gaze by blushing leading me to looking at the floor, he laughed removing his hands "I'm guessing you want to hear my story?" He asked "Kinda, I mean it's up to you" I said earning a smirk from him "if you tell yours I'll tell mine" he nudged me making me laugh "ummmm...surreeee, you f-" "you first" he said quickly "wow, rude and disrespectful" I joked, laughing "okay then. I've always been independent, i was kinda thrown into this world with out help or warning so i kind of needed to be independent. My birth mother, was English and my birth father was Northern Irish. My mother was abused a lot by people, not by my father, they loved each other a lot, my mother was abused by guys and girls at her work, she worked in an office, she got rapped twice and then...murdered, when I was 8 months and about 4 months later, my father couldn't deal with it so he was going to kill himself but someone got to him first and he was also...murdered. I was then gave to my only family member left, my 2 big brothers and best friends Sami and Reach, but again with my bad luck, they both fell very ill and...passed away with in 5 months of taking care of me. Then that's when I got put into The Adoption Centre at 1 year and 5 months old. Every since then I've been doing everything for myself, learning to do things myself, not trusting others which my complete life because then they know my weaknesses. It's not a fun thing teaching yourself something that seems impossible for a child, I learned to speak when I was 4 and a half, so everybody thought I was mute, for a long part of my life I'd pretend I was just not able to speak to people, then YouTube was a thing, I started getting into it, YOGSCAST's main channel came along when I was 10 so whenever I had the chance I'd watch them because they always felt like the family I need had and was never going to have." I finished tears in my eyes, using my strength for them not to fall. Rythian grabbed me, pulling me into a very close and comforting hug, kissing my head and rubbing my back, he had tears coming down his face and when he grabbed me it was like something broke, like the strong barrier I've had for as long as I can remember just broke, Rythian over and over again kissed my head and rubbed small circles into my back, whispering little reassuring things into my ear "it's all going to be okay. I promise. I won't let anyone hurt you. Your too precious for bad things to happen to you. I won't let it. No. You are safe. We all love you here at YogTowers. Your part of our family. Your going to be amazing at life. Your going to live a good happy life. I'll make sure your smiling. I'll make sure your happy. Smile please." Whispering little things like that. "My story isn't as near as sad as yours" he joked whipping my tears and his own away, "asshole, you broke my barrier by hugging me" I nudged him jokingly making us both giggle while sniffling "I was born in Sweden with my mother and father, my father was in trouble with some gang, like debt or something, he wanted me and my mother to be save, so he sent us over here, to the UK, to England when I was 8. We got informed by distant family that he was killed and the gang are probably going to find and kill anyone that is related to him, Us. My mother changed her name to Flora, My name was changed to Milo, it means strength in Swedish but they found that we were here, killed my mother in front of me, when I was 10, I ran tried to escape them but they caught me, tortured me, left scars...*touches the mask on his face* I got away after a week, i successfully escaped and changed my name to Rythian, changed my whole appearance and i was put into an adoption centre for 4 years, Here I am today with Lewis and Hannah as my parents for 3 years now." That's why he wears the mask, to hid the scars they must've done. I hugged him "hey! Hey! Hey! your like a freaking badass super hero, escaping danger whenever it comes around, your amazing" I said childishly to make him smile. He did  "I'm just worried they find me and kill all of those I love..." "They won't. I promise. I never break a promise. They will never find you again, they're probably about 40 now or something" plus it's been 7 years since you last escaped them" I hugged him, he hugged back. "Yeah I guess, I'm still always going to be protecting my loved ones though, so don't hate me if I 'over' protect you and the other Yogs" he laughed, "I won't" Kimothy and Han were coming over to the common room and saw us hugging and talking and stuff "hey guys, you guys are best friend snow. Good, how's your life going?" We broke from the hug and smiled looking over to the other side of the room where Kim and Han were sitting "great. Just told each other our stories of our lives then yeah" Ryth laughed. I wonder what his name was before Rythian...before Milo. "Awww nice, I'm guessing it was pretty good to know that the other understands?" Hannah said smiling "I don't even know what happened to Nat, I just know she was extremely brave and independent, which was needed for her situation" Hannah smiled "I know Ryth's story, he told me and Lewis, and we had a very loving conversation about it, didn't we Ryth?" He nodded smiling "yes, we did" "I'll tell you and father soon, whenever you want to hear it, I'll tell you" I breathed deeply in and out. "You really don't need to if you don't want to, we'll just live with you've been through something horrible and we will love and care for you to the best of our abilities." Kim smiled at me, "no, I'd rather you know so if I do something that's unusual to you, you won't have to ask me why because you'll know from when I tell you" she nodded smiling "okay dokes" Lewis walked in with Simon "hey guys" Lewis sat next to Hannah, putting his arm around her, Kim moved up a little bit, making space for them, Simon sat next to me, I was in the middle of Ryth and Simon. Coolio haha. "Hello Nat, Simonzzzz here" I laughed "hello Simonzzzz" "do you know or watch the YOGSCAST?" I showed him my phone case and it had all of the Yogs' minecraft characters on them, he laughed "to answer your question. Yes. Yes I do, I love you guys a lot and you literally helped me through all the stuff I've been through. You guys basically raised me" I looked to Ryth and we smiled. Simon looked at us smirking "are you two...friends?" Ryth laughed "the best of friends" "calm down Simonzzzz" Lewis said jokingly, Simon laughed "what do you want us to call you as your nickname?" Lew asked "ummm...I don't really mind, Nat or you can call me what my brothers used to call which is Natsuki, it means Hope in Japanese and I was always known in my family and old town as the person who was filled with hope and joy and positivity so it worked...not to mention my second was Hope" they all looked a little shocked other than Rythian that I said brothers "yeah, on the adoption papers we said your name can be Natalie Luna Hope Jones, so you still have your last name but it's your other middle name now" Kim announced "that is probably the coolest name I've ever heard" Simon said laughing, "yeah, haha thank you" he hugged me tightly and done his signature squeal, he burst into laughter when I joined in at the same high pitch "I love her" he said holding me like he was claiming me as his own. "So do we, Simonzzzz" Kim laughed, he let me go and then we just sort of spoke about videos, Lewis asked me and Rythian if we wanted to start a new series together...on his channel as I don't have one, he said that can be later on in time because he wants to do a few videos like build battle, Gmod and stuff like that, not completely story line driven so we can get some viewers to like me then next week we'll open up a channel for me then me and Ryth can do our series, we agreed because it'll be freaking awesome. I can not wait. "Nat, from what you told us about your nicknames, you're brothers one, Natsuki, must be pretty special to you so that can be the name of your minecraft character if you like?" "Yeah, that's cool" "great! Sorry for putting you to work here. Do you even want to work here??" He asked completely forgetting he didn't ask "yes! Of course, it's so awesome here plus I'm already going to be comin 'ere in the mornings with my mother and father anyway so" "yeah! Great! Cool! So tomorrow you can play some Gmod with me, Hannah, Hat Films, Sips and Sjin, okay?" "Yes! I love this!" We all laughed and smiled "great well you can record some stuff today if you want? Or you can just wait for tomorrow?" Lew asked "She can start tomorrow" Kim answered "we've not even had her for a day, so she can start tomorrow" she laughed, Lewis nodded "well it doesn't feel like that, I feel like I've known her for years, I'm even sure I've spoke to you on Twitter before" I laughed "that's because you have, I spoke to all of you on Twitter before, I was just so lucky that you guys actually replied" he laughed "yeah, plus Hannah told me about you yesterday" she smiled and waved "yeah, thank you again" "it's not a problem, my pleasure" I looked at my phone and it was 7pm "right we best be off home, let Natalie see the house she'll be living in, hopefully she likes it" "okay. See you guys, have a good night and safe journey home, bye" they all stood up and hugged us goodbye, Hannah even kissed my head and hugged me the tightest, best auntie ever! "Bye guys!" We left, and drove home "you've watched Flux Buddies right?" "Yuppp*pops the p*" "Remember Tiddles 1, 2 & 3?" I laughed "yes" they laughed too "well we actually have a kitten named Tiddles and remember Greebo?" "Yeah" "he is the other kitten" "awwwwwww" they laughed "they are only 9 weeks, we actually only got them last week" I smile "Tiddles is the fully black one, Greebo has the white chest and spot over his eye" she showed me a picture, I Simon squealed making us laugh, we drove into thei-our drive way, and entered the house, the little kittens were asleep in their basket, as a husky puppy ran over to the door, jumping up on his, "yeah, we also have a husky named know Sam Vimes from Discworld?" "Yeah, of course! I love it" he started jumping up and playing with me "him and the kitties get on pretty well, yet people think dogs and cats hate each other" Father said smiling "yeah, this is so cool" I hugged Sam and he licked me, "best friends?" Mother said "definitely!" I kissed him. We played for hours, the kitties even joined in while mother and father watched some anime. It was 11.45 now "hey, we are going to go to bed, you should probably go too, work tomorrow" I smiled "yeah!" "Sam can sleep with you if you want" she must've known I wanted to ask "please" "of course" I kissed and hugged the kitties putting them gently back into their basket and Sam followed me up stairs and sat on the end of my bed. Sam. My brothers. Sami was called Sam but me and Reach just always called him Sami. "Awww boy" Sam licked me and walked in circles before laying down.

A/N-- Hiya Bambinos :) I am loving writing this sooooo much :) YAY🎉
~ Liv :)

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