Chapter 1- Usually Hell but an okay day

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A/N-- Hiya Bambinos, this is the first chapter about what it's like in the adoption centre before ... gets adopted. The media is a song I've been obsessed with since I heard it...YOGSCAST Hannah loves it too, IRL. I'll update this book just whenever there's a new chapter I've written so yeah XD

I can't believe I'm here for yet another's terrible here especially with Ashley and Kristin in my room. God, please kill me...or just get people to adopt me so I can live happily...away from these people. "Nat. Hurry up!! Get out of the toilet!!!" "Ashley, I'm not in the bathroom...I'm here" "ohhhhh posh girl!! 'Bathroom' ughhhh, I hope Satan eats you tomorrow" I falsely laughed "I'd say the same but that would mean he'd be eating sh*t" her jaw dropped, I grabbed my hoodie, my phone and my bag I had filled with my stuff if I took anything out I'd put it back in and lock it up, I left the room, it's not ideal sharing a room with two 12 year old girls when I'm 16 and a half. "Bye Lily. I'm going to a friends house for a know that Ash and Kirst love having girly time" i pretended that I was their friends in front of the staff, don't want to be even more hassle than everyone else in here. I rolled my eyes, pretending to be joking "okay, come back before curfew though. You're up early tomorrow, people are coming to adopt...they might choose you" she smirked, I smiled. I'm always pretending to have hope "yeah, it might finally be my's only been 15 years...a year until I get to go out on my own. Everywhere else is until your 16 why is here until your 17?" Though I'm still sarcastic with it. Lily laughed "just to make sure your sensible" "well you'll have Ash and Kirst forever then. Bye." I waved and she laughed, waving back. Thank god I'm out, God bless Lily, only at this job to get money to keep her son alive while her husband is in Afghanistan fighting. Poor thing. I pulled out my phone and called a taxi, it was only 2 in the afternoon and I'm bored...where to go. Hair dressers "GoodDay miss. Where would you like to go?" "Sal On the Main Street, please" "sure, little lass" okay so this guy is pretending to talk Scottish. Okay then. Average...I guess.
"Thank you so much" I handed the guy the money and got out, I walked into the hair dressers gaining looks because I had dyed purple hair with red dip dye. "Hello, can I get my hair done today?" I asked, the lady nodded and looked in the book "what are you wanting done?" "Oh just the colour out and a different colour put in please" she smiled "take a seat please" I nodded and sat down next to a woman that was in her middle-ish late-ish 20's or earlier 30's, she smiled at me and I could feel her staring at my hair, I was about to say staring is rude but she spoke instead "hey! I really love your hair, it's like extremely awesome!" "Thanks, I like it too" she laughed "I'm Hannah by the way" she stuck out her hand for me to shake, we shook "I'm Natalie...Natalie Hope. Nice to meet you" she smiled more at my name "so where do you come from?" She asked just making small talk "I came from my deceased English mother and Northern Irish father but currently living in an adoption centre in Bristol. You?" My sarcasm made her laugh, "awww, I'm sorry to hear that but your funny. And hey is that the adoption centre near YogTowers...if you know what that is?" I smiled "yeah, I know where that is, I also know that your Hannah Rutherford but I didn't want to mention it in case you wanted to just have a usual chat" she smiled "thank you. I actually was getting my hair down but I enjoy and appreciate that you can be a massive fan yet stay calm and collected when needed" she placed her hand on my shoulder then stood up going to sit down on the hair chair. "Miss, there's a place up there" the lady at the desk pointed to me and I went and sat down next to a little 5 year old girl with really curly long blonde hair, her mother wanting to get it cut but the little girl protesting, "look at this girl, she's getting her hair done nicely instead of that riot it is now" the mother said gesturing towards my head, I just smirked. Heard it all before. Hannah overheard the biatche. "Ummm excuse me but could you not talk about my...daughter like that" wow okay, I think the mother will apologise as she said she's my mother and not just a friend. "Oh I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it I'm just trying to get my little girls hair cut" the mother stumbled to an excuse "she's beautiful with it long and curly" Hannah objected "I know but I don't have long and thick hair like hers so she's getting it cut" "well that's a crap way of living life, it's her hair, she's her own person, not a chance for you to make your self better" I said maybe sounding rude, Sod it "maybe?....okay then let's keep it like that" the little girl high fived me and Hannah, smiling like crazy and they left, wow. Sure. Hannah smiled at me and then a lady came to talk to me "what do you want done" I looked over to Hannah and saw she was getting blue dip dye, "can I get my hair dyed blue with blonde dip dye please...basically the inverted version of my friends" I gestured to Hannah "okay sure, that'll be different" the lady smiled "yup" she got started.
I had my hair all freaking awesome, Me and Hannah walked out together, I was about to call a taxi when she offered to take me 'home'. She dropped me off "thanks again Hannah" I smiled "not a problem and hey if you ever need anything you have my number. I'll see you tomorrow" she smirked and drove off leaving me a little confused. (I know Hannah IRL can't drive but in this she can xD) Tomorrow? Did I make plans with her? No. Oh well. "Wow Natalie. Your's sooooooo cool!!!" Lily admired as i walked in the building "thanks" "wow you look beautiful Nat" Ashley and Kirsten put on a fake smile and pretended to be innocent "yup. Sure. K. Thx." I didn't give them my attention "hey, who is coming to adopt tomorrow?" I whispered to Lily, she laughed "it's a secret, you'll love them though" "okay, sure" i put my earphones in and put on one of my favourite songs...other than ever Area11 songs, it was Xanax by Kyrsya Youngs it was amazing, I just chilled out listening to my music.

A/N-- Hiya Bambinos, starting thing, yeah.
Have a fabulous life and byyyeeeee :)
~ Liv :)

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