Chapter 3 - Greet and Meet

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A/N-- I am loving this so much :) it's so much fun writing :) I hope you are enjoying it too :)

Natalie's POV

We got into the YogTower car park (parking lot) when Kim turned to me smiling "are you ready to meet our family?" She gestured to me, Duncan and herself when she said 'our' I nodded smiling like mad "let's go then" we got out, I was so nervous, I was scared they wouldn't like me and I'd get put back to the centre, Kim must of saw the panic on my face 'cause she took my hand and said it'll be okay, I felt happy when she held my hand and she was happy to hold it so we walked into the office, all of us holding hands, me in the middle like every family never did with me ever, I was always kicked to the back, a disgrace to their family, I actually felt loved in this family and I was very happy. We walked into the building smile on all of our faces, Tom Perkins walked pasted and smiled waving at us, me and him spoke a few times on Twitter he was so nice to me, every Yog was. "Let's go meet everyone" Kim said with much excitement, us running away up into the common room where mostly every Yog was. Duncan laughing following behind us, "hello everyone this is Natalie, our daughter" everyone smiled and cheered, "hello, Im Lew and welcome to the" he hugged me, as I fangirled over the fact he just said his catchphrase. One by one everyone came up and hugged me introducing themselves even though I already knew them, Hannah was last, she stood up and hugged me a little tighter than the others "thank you" I whispered and she nodded "me and Lew's son is adopted too, he is Swedish but you get used to his accent after a while, he's 17 years old, I think you guys are roughly the same age. Well at least you have someone to hang with when we're recording videos" I smiled "Coolio" they all had to go record some stuff but Kim stayed for a little while longer to tell me what will happen, "your going to be in some of our videos, while Dunc is away to set up the cameras and stuff now so we can make a video introducing you to our viewers, they'll love you but then me and Dunc have to record some Infinity, when we do you can just hang out here or go somewhere though I would prefer you to be in the building as it's safer and I know your old enough to look after yourself as you have for a long time but I care for you and don't trust the streets much. Lew and Han's son, Rythian should be around here somewhere, you've probably seen him in a few videos, just hang with him, he's cool" "yeah, okay" we walked off to Dunc's office and started recording "hey guys, it's Kim and I'm here with two very important people in my life that I love a lot. It's Duncan and Natalie!!!!" We came into view, smiling and waving "this is my husband, Duncan. As a lot of you know. But this is a new beautiful face" she stroked my face smiling at me proudly "this is our daughter Natalie. Look at her! she's FREAKING ADORABLE!!!!." Father said pulling me into a tight but comfortable hug. "No matter what anybody says, yes we adopted her but that doesn't mean we love her any less we would do if we had her ourselves, we'll probably love her a little more actually" we laughed and both of them held my hand, out of view of the camera shot but still it felt loving. "Speak a little about yourself" Duncan suggested "okay, ummm, so hiya...this is my mother and father and I'm their daughter. You can probably tell that I don't have a full English accent that's because I am half English and half Northern Irish so I have a very distinct voice, I've had a pretty tough life that i'm not going to get too far into but maybe over the time I'll tell you a little more about it each time, so why do I have blue and blonde hair? You may ask, it's because I met Hannah yesterday in the hairdresser and we got like really close and spoke a lot, she stuck up for me in front of this very rude lady which was funny and Hannah was gettin blue in her hair at the bottom, now she had natural blonde hair as do I, I just dye it. So I got the inverted version of Hannah's hair, I got blue then blonde at the bottom which I think is pretty badass but anyway that's that story and yeah, as for my personality I'm basically just a massive nerd, geek, dork, awkward, quiet, sarcastic ...thing and most times considered a loser but I don't really care to be honest" i put my thumbs up and smiled awkwardly, I spoke just kinda telling as much as I wanted and let my parents take it back "so yeah that's our ever so fascinating daughter, that's me not being sarcastic, but yes we really do love her, don't we Dunc?" They smiled and hugged me "of course we do" they lifted up my hands, one holding mother's hand one holding father's hand, they then kissed my cheeks and then turned the recording off "oh my gosh, mother, father, I love you so much" I started tearing up as I hugged them both ever so thankful for everything already "awwww, we love you so much too. I'll just send that to the editors and then post it but for the time being, we're going to record some Infinity" "okay, see you later, mother & father" I kissed them and ran off towards the common room as happy as I could be. I sat on the sofa and just listened to Area11, FOB, MCR, Muse, Ed Sheeran, Krysta Youngs, nightcore, RWBY songs, Steven Universe Garnet fusion song, All the music I had on my phone, I listened to it, they usually have like 1 or 2 hour sessions of Flux Buddies and I didn't mind waiting, a boy walked towards the common room and sat down at the opposite side, with music in, I took mine out as he did the same "hiya, I'm Natalie, Duncan and Kim's daughter" I shook his hand "Rythian, Lewis and Hannah's son. Nice to meet you" "my pleasure" we talked about games and films and comics and animes and mangas (my autocorrect said mangos instead xD Ahhh yes they had a very educated conversation about mangos xD) and just everything we loved. Soon we became the best of friends and for the first time I felt I actually had a true friend my age...which was true.

A/N-- Hiya so I hope you enjoyed that, I enjoyed writing and yeah :) by the way, if your thinking Natalie is actually like in my head me, no It's a character that doesn't connect to IRL me XD just thought I'd say for those who think she is :)
~ Liv :)

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