"Nice to meet your acquaintance" a women in a tight, short, inappropriate dress said. She smiled as she thought I was checking her out. She looked like she was in her mid-thirties. That would be very inappropriate, I thought, so I frowned at her judgment. 

"Good evening." I said, feeling awkward as I walked towards her. I stared at the door instead of her. I didn't want her to think the wrong idea.

"You must be Jackson Taylor." the platinum, fake blonde woman asked as we walked into the mansion house. I must say this place was impressive.

"Yes, are you my father's boss?" I asked, curiously. "Oh no, silly me. I am your father's boss's wife." she said, a confused look on her face as she tried to process what she said. Oh, so she was one of those never-graduated-from-college-sluts-and-married-for-money type of woman. Sorry for being stereotypical, it's my nature. She finally nodded to herself and shook my hand. Akwarrddd, I thought.

"Girls, get down here! And where is Isabella?" she asked in an angry,scratchy voice. I stood there widening my eyes. Damn, her voice sounded like a cat clawed out her vocal chords. What happened to the "sweet" woman a minute ago. 

"She went out to run those errands that were supposed to be done a fucking week ago." a high pitched voice said. Like mother, like daughter, I thought. I sighed mentally. Please be hot, please be hot, I silently pleaded.

Two fake barbie dolls walked down the stairs, or sashayed if you wanna go there. When they saw me their lips turned into a seductive grin. Their twins, I thought. They were pretty okay, not hot hot, but not a 1 outta 10 hot. Your average slut. With short dresses that reach just below the no-no area, their platinum blonde hair and colorful outfits with faces caked with makeup. 

"So, Jackson, this beautiful girl on the left is Vanessa and this gorgeous girl on the right is Violet." she said confidently. I mentally rolled my eyes, egotistic much. Wait....what have I turned into, I'm just like these people....maybe stepping into this state has changed me. I have to get out as soon as possible.

I held my hand out to shake their hands but both of them jumped at me into a hug. 

"O-okay. N-nice to meet you." I said, looking at each like they were insane. Who hugs a guy when they first meet him.

"You wanna...do something tonight." Both of them seductively whispered into each of my ears. I jumped away from them. Two twins talking at the same time, is really creepy, not seductive and HELLO, I just met you like literally two seconds ago. But then again I do this to a lot of girls. 

I looked at the two in disgrace. Your mother's watching you two, what the hell, I mentally scolded them but they stood their smiling and trying to make me fall in their trap. I shook my head slightly and smirked, biting my lip. The two girls became starstruck. 

Unfortunately for them, I am the trap. Two could play at this game.

Throughout this whole scene the mother stood watching her daughters with a proud smile. What the fuck, I thought. 

The door to the kitchen opened revealing a girl carrying a few bags of grocery and riding her skateboard....in the house. 

"ISABELLA! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, STOP RIDING THAT FILTHY BOARD IN MY HOUSE THIS INSTANT!" Mrs.Stephan shouted. Oh, now  your mad. What happened to two minutes ago, I mentally asked her.

"This isn't your house" the girl replied. "It's my dads" she said, putting down the grocery so I could see her face. 

Damn..., I thought.

She had dark chocolate colored hair, not like her platinum blonde family and sea green orbs for eyes, they were mesmerizing. She had the curves in the right places but was dressed in a long sleeved (but rolled up to the elbows) white and blue striped shirt, with beige pants and black converse. She had a watch on her right hand. Your average tom boy. 

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