Chapter Seventeen

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Today I get to go home. I can't even begin to say how happy I am to go home,it's been a long week. I never took off my bandages,at the last second I just couldn't do it and so today when I get home I'm going to.

The nurse is taking the tubes out of my arm, leaving it sore. I don't have as bad of pain as I did,but I still feel a little sore and weak.

Matt stayed almost every night, Emma stayed with me for two nights,and Zacky one. But other than that Matt was right by my side like he told me he'd be. Like he is right now.

He squeezes my hand,and smiles at me,and I return it. I take a deep sigh as he hands me clothes that he picked up from my house. Finally I'll be able to get out of this horrible hospital gown.

He helps me up out of bed,and walks me over to the bathroom. Before I close the door,he smirks at me.

"Need any help getting dressed?" He asks me and raises his eyebrows up and down.

"Maybe you can help me take it all off later." I say with a wink and his grin gets bigger as he kisses my nose and chuckles,letting me close the door.

I have no idea how the hell I'm supposed to put a bra on. I begin to cry,but I calm myself down. I'll just do what Jimmy told me to do. I'll just stuff it. So when I put it on,I stuff the side that's as flat as paper.

I throw on the kiss shirt that he brought me,and thank god it's baggy and not skin tight. Next I jump into the black skinny jeans. I inhale a huge breath,and let it all out slowly,closing my eyes.

When I open my eyes,I stare at my reflection in the mirror. My pale slender face,my cheekbones still out a little bit. My chapped lips a light pink tone. My eyes returning to their bright emerald color. They look joyful again. Though I'm not really sure that I actually feel that.

I look away from the mirror,I'll look more when we get out of this stupid place,and back into my own home.

When I exit the bathroom I see Matt grabbing all my medication that the doctor told me still need to take. God do I hate medication.

He walks over to me,and pulls me by my waist toward him,and looks down at me.

"God have I missed hugging you like this." He whispers to me. It has sucked having to stay in bed except to take a piss and shower,even then the stupid nurse had to help me.

He grabs the medication,and thankfully I already had him take my giant teddy bear to my house so that we don't have to worry about it.

I grab some of the balloons by my bedside,and my small teddy bears and Matt and I walk out. Hopefully I'll never have to be in that dreadful room again.

When Matt and I get outside,I take in a breath of air. I can finally step outside. Never would I have thought I'd miss being able to step outside so much.

I can hear the birds chirping,the cars driving by, everything. The heat of the sun against my skin as we walk to Matt's car. And think for a minute,about if I wouldn't have survived this. It all would've been taken away from me. Everything I take for granted.

I would never get to hear all of this,or see it or feel it again. I smile at Matt as we get in the car,and he returns it,pulling me into a long,passionate kiss.

"I love you Stevie." He says as he starts to drive off.

"I love you too Matt." I reply as I roll down the window,my heart racing as a genuine smile spreads across my face,and I close my eyes as Matt turns on the radio.

Why Can't This Be Love (A7X/M Shadows Fan Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora