Chapter Thirteen

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"Stephanie come on wake up I've made plans for us today." I jolt awake,and find Michelle shaking me lightly awake.

"Alright alright I'm up....where's Matt?" I ask rolling over and not seeing him next to me.

"Downstairs,I figured I'd wake you up." She says and begins to head out of my room.

"Wait what are we doing today?" I ask and she shrugs.

"You'll find out,but lay out something nice we're going to dinner tonight." She says and I nod,rolling out of bed and going and picking out my outfit.

Thankfully I already took a shower last night,so I just go and throw on my black and red miniskirt,and my Kiss Rock And Roll Over tank top,and slip on my black flats.

I lay out on my bed my nice red dress that's skin tight and goes down to about my knees. I wonder what's so important that I have to wear something nice for a dinner. And I wonder what Michelle has planned today.

  I look in the mirror,and sigh. It's only been since yesterday that I left the hospital, and I still don't like how I look. No scratch that,I hate how I look. But I'll try and act happy for Matt's sake,I feel like I annoy the shit out of him.

  I rummage through some of my cloths,until I finally find a grey beanie that I put on top of my head. It'll have to work,I'm not gonna wear a wig. I do my makeup,I do winged eyeliner, some mascara and dark red lipstick.

  I head downstairs,to see Matt and Michelle having coffee at the kitchen table.

  "You look beautiful." They both say at the same time,and I force myself to smile.

"Thank you." I mumble and they nod,Michelle putting her coffee mug in the sink.

Matt gets up from the table,and pulls me into a hug.

"Be careful,alright?" He says and I nod into his chest,taking a deep breath.

"Alright Matthew I gotta take her away now." Michelle says,pulling me away from Matt.

"I love you." He says,jogging up to me,and kisses my lips softly.

"I love you too." I reply and I turn back to see Michelle smile as we head out of the house.

We walk to my car,and when I sit in the passenger seat I about have a heart attack when 3 other girls in the back seat pop up.

"God Leana,Lacey, Emma you guys trying to give me a heart attack?" I ask with a smile and they laugh in response.

"You didn't tell me they'd be here,a little warning would've been nice." I say playfully smacking Michelle.

"You look great in that skirt by the way." Emma says and I wiggle my eyebrows up and down.

"Alright Michelle start the damn car let's go." Emma says and Michelle glares at her,but smiles as she starts the car and drives off.

We roll down the windows,and I make sure my hat is on tight,and we drive along blasting Van Halen as loud as we can.

"God I love your car!" Michelle yells over the music and I smile.

I turn it down after a few songs,which earns me a couple glares but I'll turn it back up in a couple minutes.

"So where are we going?" I ask again.

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