Chapter Seven

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I wake up with the sun shining through the window and in my face. And what's gonna happen today slaps my right in the face. I have to tell him. No,I need to tell him.

I fling the sheets off me and head to the shower. That stupid fucking lump is still there. Whatever I don't have time to worry about a stupid lump. When I get out of the shower,I put on my Mötley Crüe t shirt on,and my black ripped jeans.

When my hair is dry,I straighten it,and then do all of my makeup. When I jog downstairs Emma and Zacky are sitting at the kitchen table,Emma's head on Zackys shoulder.

I clear my throat,and they both look back at me.

"How do I look?" I ask with a small smile,but they just look at me.

"You could've done with a lot less makeup. Like maybe none at all." Zacky says and my small smile disappears.

"You know I've never gone without makeup with Matt Zachary." I say and he shrugs his shoulders,causing Emma to lift up her head.

"Maybe you should try it some day." He says and I roll my eyes.

"But not today. Now please help me what should I do,should I text him?" I ask and he nods.

"Text him and ask him if he'll meet you somewhere,if he says he will then you can think of where." He says and I nod and pull out my phone.

Me: hey Matt look I'm sorry about yesterday,can you meet me today so we can talk?

I set my phone down on the counter and as I wait for a reply I pour myself a glass of orange juice. I have butterflies in my stomach,making me feel weird and extremely nervous.

My phone vibrates on the counter,and I quickly head over to it.

Matt: yeah I guess,where?

Me: the park in 10?

Matt: okay we can meet by the tree we all used to hang out at

I smile knowing exactly what tree that is. I take 4 large deep breaths, and look at Zacky and Emma.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Emma asks me and I shake my head no.

"I need to do this myself." I reply and she nods,knowing it's true.

I pull them into a tight hug,kissing both of their cheeks. I grab my car keys off the table by the door,and slip on my shoes.

"I might or might not be back." I say and they nod. Then with that,I head out to my car.

The whole car ride there,I just think about everything that could happen,and the feeling in my stomach gets worse and worse.

When I arrive at the park,I get out of my car and begin to walk to the tree to meet Matt. Children run around in the grass laughing,poking each other with sticks and I remember the days when we would all come up here.

I see Matt by the tree,and my stomach does a back flip. I walk up to him,and look directly into his hazel eyes.

"Hey Stevie. I'm sorry about yesterday I didn't mean to lose my temper like that." He says and I just shrug.

"It's alright Mattie. But there is something I need to tell you. That's why I came here to meet you,I need to tell you now. I've held it in for too long." I say and he raises an eyebrow.

"What is it Stephanie?" He asks and I look at the sky,trying my hardest to build up all the courage that I can. Tears brim my eyes,but I fight them back and look to Matt.

Why Can't This Be Love (A7X/M Shadows Fan Fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon