Chapter Six

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I wake up with a pounding headache,and my eyes ache as well. I stumble into the bathroom and take some medication for my headache,and look into the mirror.

Then it hits me,I remember last night. How Brian blurted out about me liking Matt. Shit. I sigh and look away from the mirror,and decide to just take a shower.

A hot shower usually helps to take away my stress. After I'm done washing my hair,I begin to soap up my body,but I feel a big hard lump on my right breast. What the fuck is that? I brush it off,whatever it is it'll probably just go away.

But it's so weird,it's just a...a lump on the side. Whatever. Like I said it'll probably go away soon.

When I get out of the shower I throw on sweatpants and a tank top,and do my makeup,but just throw my hair up into a bun.

God my head still hurts. Like a boulder is on top of it. I turn to look at the time,to see that it's a few minutes past noon. I have the day off work today,so I won't have to worry about going in.

  My stomach growls and I sigh,I guess I should eat something. I jog down the stairs,and slide on the hard wood floor into the kitchen. When I swing open the door to the fridge I look inside and try to figure out what I want.

  Pizza? Nah I just had that last night. Hot dog? Ugh god I'd probably throw up. I sigh and just end up pulling out some lunch meat,and grabbing my loaf of bread,walking towards the counter to make a sandwich.

  I make and bologna,salami,ham and pepperoni sandwich,adding some mustard onto it too. I grab the bag of Doritos and plop down on my couch,turning on the tv.

  Halfway through my show,and after I'm done eating my sandwich I hear a knock on my front door. Of fucking course. I get up and open the door,and almost choke on my spit to find Matt.

  "Hey Mattie what's up." I ask calmly as I let him into the house.

  "Nothing Stevie,just came to check on you." He says and I give him a confused look as I sit back down on the couch.

  "Check on me?" I ask and he nods,sitting down on my other couch.

  "I just thought it was weird you left early last night,I couldn't find you this morning and Zacky told me you left last night." He says.

  "Oh,well don't worry I just....I had a headache." I say and look away from him.

  "Zacky told me you have something you need to tell me." He says and I feel a lump in my throat,and I regret eating that sandwich.

  ",no I don't I don't know why he's say that." I say as I get up off the couch,and rub my arm. But then I mentally slap myself. Why are you so stupid! He's gonna know your lying!

   "Stevie come on I know your lying to me." He says and tilts his head.

  "I'm not lying." I snap.

  "Yes you are Stephanie!" He yells back. Shit. Matt can have a short temper and when he loses it,sometimes it's not very pretty.

  "No Matt I'm not." I say sternly back and he sighs frustrated.

  "Stephanie stop I know when your lying what are you hiding why can't you just fucking tell the truth." He says as he gets up off the couch to stand in front of me.

  "It's not that big of a deal Matthew just drop it! God!" I yell while crossing my arms.

  "I just don't see why you have to lie to me!" He yells and I take a step back. I hate it when he yells at me.

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