Chapter Fifteen

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I sit on a on a cushiony,spinning chair as I play my violin. As I play I close my eyes,letting the calming music run through my head.

I'm interrupted by Matt touching my shoulder,and he smiles down at me.

"Happy birthday gorgeous. It's always amazing when you play your music." He says and I blush and smile,setting my violin down so I can hug him.

"Thanks Mattie." I say and pull him into a kiss.

I'm still in my Spongebob pajamas,and so I head to my room to change into my clothes for the day. I know it's weird to be my age and have Spongebob pajamas but they're comfortable.

I change in front of Matt now,I still get nervous and shake a little bit sometimes but I'm starting to get used to it.

  He comes up behind me and hugs around my waist,putting his face into my neck. He kisses it and I put my hand on top of his.

  "What should we do today?" I ask in the middle of him kissing me,and he stops for a moment.

  "Whatever you want to do. Oh and I'll go with you to the doctors tomorrow,I'll be right by your side." He tells me and I nod,moving out of his arms.

"Let's head over to Zackys." I say and throw him a t shirt and pants and he nods as he gets dressed.

As we head over to Zackys he plays Billy Joel for me,one of my favorite people growing up and I smile as I sing Piano Man.

As we pull up to Zackys house another car I don't recognize is there. Matt opens my door for me,and holds my hand as we walk into Zackys house.

"Mom! Dad!" I say happily but surprised when I see them.

My dad is tall,like taller than Jimmy tall. I wish I would've gotten a little bit taller I always feel so short. Except when I'm hanging with Johnny.

He has really deep blue eyes and brown hair like mine. Well,when I had hair anyways. My mom on the other hand is only a little bit taller than I am,and eyes just like mine and Zackys. If she didn't have blonde hair we would look almost the same.

I go up to them,and hug them tightly. It's been so long since I've seen them. Growing up my mom had been one of my best friends. Right now she's wearing a Slayer shirt,and I can't help but smile.

"Oh it's so good to see you Stephanie it's been quite a while. Happy birthday." My mother says as she hugs me back. My dad kisses the top of my head.

"Matthew I assume you've been taking good care of my daughter." My dad says looking to Matt and I look away and roll my eyes. God it's just like when I'd have a boyfriend in high school.

"He is dad don't worry." I say and smile to Matt.

"Just making sure." My dad adds and goes to talk to Zacky.

"So Emma's with Zacky now huh?" My mom asks as we head to the kitchen to grab food,Matt sitting on the couch.

"Yup,happened before me and Matt." I say as I open the fridge and grab a cup of chocolate pudding.

"I could tell that you'd always liked Matthew." She says and I almost choke on my spoonful of pudding.

"You could?" I ask and she nods as she grabs the bag of Doritos. My mom and I mom really are a lot a like.

"Yes I could. The way you would blush and smile at him while he'd be hanging out with Zachary. He's a great choice Stephanie. He seems very caring of you. And he's handsome." She says and I blush,and bite my lip as I smile and look to him.

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