Chapter Five

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   Today's Matt's birthday. I haven't seen him since the day we went to the beach and played Call Of Duty. He hasn't even called or texted me,or stopped to bug me at work.

  It's probably because of the almost kissing thing that happened. He probably feels it's weird between us now,and doesn't want to see me. I hope that's not the case. 

  I go over to my closet,and put on my grey leggings and Metallica Kill 'Em All t shirt. I do my makeup as I sing along Pat Benatar.

  When I'm done straightening my hair and applying my dark red lip stick I head downstairs,and get ready to head over to Matt's.

  I grab Matt's wrapped gift,with the blue bow I tied nicely around it. It's shiny purple wrapping paper shines bright in the light. I ended up getting him an Iron Maiden t shirt.

  I don't even bother grabbing my car keys,I'll just walk over to his house. When I get outside the sun beats down on me,and I shield my eyes with my hand ,and squint as I look ahead.

When I get inside his house,someone comes racing up to me,and raps me in a hug,lifting me up off the ground.

"Hey Steph!" They yell,one louder then them all and I know just who it is.

"It's good to see you too Jimbo." I say with a little laugh as he sets me down.

A woman comes up to me,a bright white smile on her face and pretty blonde hair.

"Amy?" I ask surprised and she nods.

Amy is Matt's sister,and we used to be best friends,like two peas in a pod until she had moved away.

"It's so good to see you Stephanie." She says as she pulls me into a tight hug.

"God it's been forever Amy. It's good to see you too." I say happily.

"How long are you staying? Just for the night?" I ask when I pull away and she nods sadly.

"You need to visit more often I miss you. We have a lot to catch up on." I say and she nods.

"Now where's the birthday boy?" I ask as I set my gift down,and Amy points to the kitchen.

I walk over to the kitchen,and when I see Matt standing there with Brian,a beer in his hand I smile.

"Happy birthday best friend." I say happily. He looks at me and his dimples appear from smiling.

"Hey Stevie. It's been a few days." He says as he sets his beer on the counter and hugs me.

  "Yeah it has been,how come you haven't said a word to me Sanders?" I ask and pull away.

  "Figured you were working." He says as I head to the fridge and crack open a beer.

  "I was,but we still could've hung out." I say and he nods.

  "Sorry Stevie." He apologizes.

  "Don't be."

  I walk back out into the living room,and sit down on the couch, putting my head in my hands and stare off into space.

  "Careful you'll put a whole through the wall if you keep starring at it like that." I hear someone say,and I notice it's Zacky as he walks over and sits down next to me.

  "Your such an ass." I say and roll my eyes but smile.

  No matter how much we fight and hate each other sometimes,I love Zacky. He's a great brother. He's always been there for me.

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